
Zottewitz durch Baustelle geteilt + Hintergründe zu Hundeattacke in Meissen + Winterdienst nimmt Anlauf + Stand der Riesaer Baustellen

Good Morning!

It is a good idea to put together the most recent developments for May and the region – kurz und knapp erzählt. Bowls Sie gut in den Tag.

Ein geeiltes Dorf: Zottewitz Swiss Idyll and Baulärm

Darum geht’s: A Baustelle told the Priestewitzer Ortsteil Zottewitz factually incorporated. In the Hauptverkehrsstraße of the small Ortes there is a Loch, in this case a kind of Gewässerdurchlass technology. There is a herausforderung for the Gemeinde dar.

That’s the Meinungen: The einwohner has only just started, but it won’t be long before the end of the month. But the Baulärm and the great Obstacle need to be accomplished in the future.

So it continues: Optimistic estimates for the cultivation of the construction souls auf das Frühjahr ab.

Biss auf die Knochen: Der Aggro-Hund von der Martinstraße

Darum knows: A Hundehalter in Meißen vertzt half the Altstadt in Angst und Schrecken. If you know more, it is a level on another dog, in your halter or passers-by.

This is passion: Come see more beissvorfällen. Anwohner informs the Behörden.

Even more?: First if a spaziergänger is registered and is lost, see the Hund aus dem Verkehr. What happened?


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Riesaer Straßenbaustellen kommen unterschiedlich voran

Darum is the following: A more couple is established and bzw. built under Riesaer Straßen. Manche Baustellen lie in a plan – other hinges niece. That SZ is nice to see.

That since die next: Including the construction of the Bundesstraßen under and under the Elbbrücken, which provide assembly and free traffic.

So it continues: Solange is the Wetter-zulässt, wird weitergebaut. Bei more Baustellen since Winterpausen bereits eingerechnet.

Warum der Dippelsdorfer Teich für Radebeul bedeutsam ist

That was passionate: In heißen Summern fallt der Lößnitzbach immer wieder trocken. There is a laundry expert who is involved in a housing renovation project in Radebeul, where he lies. After the Stark rain, the Bach may receive one of the following treats and damage messages. The demise of the Radebeuler Stadtgebiet is affected.

Darum ist das wichtig: In the version of the Lößnitzbaches, the Dippelsdorfer technology is one of the same functions. But if the Rückhaltebecken is directed, there is no protection for Überschwemmungen.

So it continues: The factory in Stadt, three projects for flutschutz entlang the Lößnitzbaches about. More details and a specific timetable will be provided.


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The brand new Show HORIZONS brings the Puls der Großstadt aufs Eis! Neither you can go karting – you can also enjoy this beautiful place and enjoy the unparalleled energy live.

Erste Tonne Salz verstreut

This is passion: Demanding temperatures ensure that the Wochenmitte walks a long route in the rural district on the Rutschbahnen.

That’s the Soul: The Mitarbeiter of Straßenmeistereien in Landkreis is with 18 Fahrzeugen im Einsatz, a streuen and Schnee zu räumen.

That is the Voraussetzungen: If four salzlagers were packed together with 4,120 tons of single bearings, orders would be possible at any time. The landkreis overlooks the split of the street.

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