
Wyatt Sick’s cryptic tweet implies the origin of Uncle Howdy’s name

The Wyatt Sick6 carry the torch of cryptic messages and world-building that Bray Wyatt was famous for, as all the QR codes, vignettes, and promos were always meant to represent something. Nothing should ever have been filler.

This Monday night, Bo Dallas interviewed himself (via the Uncle Howdy gimmick) on WWE Raw about how he’s struggling with the passing of Bray Wyatt. It was one of the most revealing bits of backstory these characters ever had, both in kayfabe and in reality, and it blew up some of the canon, in a lot of ways.

The lore may also have undergone a change as of this tweet from earlier this afternoon:

Expanding on the Raw story, the implication here (at least as far as I personally take it) is that the name Uncle Howdy was chosen based on bringing back the phrase “How did it feel when your brother died?”

It’s a challenge, but one that WWE is clearly trying to make clear. Of course, we know that if this is how the story plays out, it’s a retcon, since Uncle Howdy existed before Bray Wyatt’s death. But in WWE, retcons happen all the time. Can you keep track of who the real killer of Undertaker and Kane’s parents is supposed to be? Remember when Edge and Christian were real brothers, instead of best friends who like it brothers? When was the last time anyone acknowledged that The Godfather is actually Papa Shango?

Assuming that this is how WWE will continue to expand on these new characters, it will be interesting to see if any explanations are given to the others. Mercy the Buzzard, for example, was always intended to reference Waylon Mercy—Dan Spivey’s character who was inspired by Robert De Niro’s Max Cady from the film Cape fear (which I wasn’t a fan of myself, but I do like the references from The Simpsons). Will it stay that way, or will there be an updated origin like this?

What is your interpretation of this tweet? Are you excited to learn more about The Wyatt Sicks, or do you find it more ridiculous, like many fans who joke about it? Leave your thoughts in the comments below!

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