
Unbekannte sollen Mitarbeiter des Lokals Murdock’s brutal verprügelt haben

Der Aufruf, de Wirt des Irish Pubs Murdock’s on Facebook veröffentlichte hat, sounds dramatic. It is often the case that a broader expansion occurs on the social platform. “It’s a great time to get started,” began James Murdock de Nachricht. It is a seine ship Mitarbeiter. At four o’clock in the evening of Sunday evening, brutal sister attacks will be announced on the Heimweg in the Augsburg Innenstadt of unbecoming men.

Who Gastronom James Murdock has posted on Facebook if he has sent an Redaktion message, is the best mountain riff that is tomorrow four o’clock in the Peter-Kötzer-Gasse, which is vom Milchberg under the Ulrichsbasilika, passert sein. The workers who work there will be ready at 2.30 am at the end of the working day, nor will they be in the Maxstraße until they leave the house.

The Augsburger Polizei has no knowledge of the fall

In the case of gas, the man can challenge the young man to put the ground together in such a way that he who has been lying on the ground and has lost his consciousness. The Schläger-hätten ihr Opfer ohne Rücksicht darauf, ob er überleben würde, zurückgelassen. Laut Murdock has seen the Mitarbeiter-später, when he was in the Low Countries, himself starting in the Krankenhaus.

“Such brutal Taten cannot go unpunished. I’m really sad. Das ist mein Mitarbeiter, there is a part of the family,” says Wirt Murdock, that he has sent a message via Facebook and it is worth going. “It is a fact that you will hit something.” When the police are on the mountain top in the Montagnachmittag, they no longer know anything about autumn. If there is no other way, then so be it. (ina)

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