
Uli Hoeneß Piranha Attack: Zahavi talks about the shocking Vorfall

Vorfall Sontiges
Ort Munich

Munich – A strike from the employer loses when Uli Hoeneß, the legendary patron of FC Bayern Munich, bezeichnete the final decision Pini Zahavi in ​​September 2020 as «money-grabbing Piranha». Zahavi, who has started his business with David Alaba’s stars, the war that is likely to affect the Aussage. In an interview with the “Welt am Sonntag” Zahavi, who the first time he started talking, je über was in his thoughts. Trotz der Schärfe der Worte gab es von Hoeneß is not to blame – but Zahavi believes that that is not the case. It is clear: “I didn’t hear anything.”

The background of these contacts is so exciting that the characters themselves appear. Zahavi was involved in insightful Verhandlungen über Alabas Vertragsverlängerung, which were letztendlich seiterten. Alaba, who moved to Real Madrid 32 years ago, was the woman who noticed Zahavi and Hoene again. Zahavi ließ ich nicht uit der Ruhe kosten en erklärte, dass der Vorwurf von Hoeneß ihn nicht gekränkt habe. “If the fragment is gone, it’s clear it’s not good, it’s not like Hoene’s Unsinn will make it.

An unreliable Telefonat

In one of the most recent Wendepunkt messages, Zahavi reported of a telephone call with Hoeneß, which is one of the most evil Bayern-Stürmer Robert Lewandowski kreiste, the mittlerweile at FC Barcelona. Zahavi painted, the hueß-shockiert war, as his stimme hörte. “I am well aware, that is false, that I am not stingy,” said Zahavi. “If it’s good, it’s time is over, but it’s likely to be of some use to people.” This anecdote said that when you are in the world of football, it is often a matter of power and money, personal conversations and misunderstandings play a central role.

The Rivalry of Zahavi and Hoene is not even a Beispiel for the Spannungen in Fußballgeschäft, one of the few light on the Dynamics of Beratern and Vereinen. Zahavi, for his scharfen business activities it is possible that it will get a name in the industry and it is not possible that there is a problem with cooking a weld. “Ich wusste, dass er Unsinn sagt”, so Zahavi, if you have a good deal, the best deal is for your customers to see.

A view into the Zukunft

The contacts with Zahavi and Hoen are important in terms of communication and knowledge in the football world. Während Zahavi sich nicht von Hoeneß’ Worten beeinfussen lässt, bleibt abzuwarten, wie sich die Beziehung beratern and Clubs in der Zukunft entwickeln wird. The fans will do their best, but new signings and conflicts will be carried out on the big transfers and transactions. The World of Fußballs can be inaccessible, and each new Tag brings fresh memories and Möglichkeiten.

Insgesamt bleibt de Auseinandersetzung zischen Zahavi und Hoeneß a fascinating Kapitel in de Geschichte des Fußballs. The Worte von Hoeneß has not been affected by Zahavi, but the Art and the Weise, which are played in the industry. It’s a balance between power, money and emotions, the game is so powerful.

Ort des Geschehens

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