
Ukraine shoots “Nato Tank Killer”

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Ukraine shoots “Nato Tank Killer”
Teurer Verlust: A pilot of the Kampfhubschraubers Ka-52 “Alligator” of the Russian army prepares himself in Ukraine-Krieg for a camp flug – the Ukraine who is a hubschrauber who discards and beschleuns these types at the end of a whole waffengattung. © IMAGO / Yevgeny Biyatov

The Ukraine is rejoicing, Russia is flying, the US is grübeln: The jetzige Abschuss is another “Alligator” story that is a goose Waffengattung.

Kiew – “Wir lernen vom Schlachtfeld – besonders in der Ukraine”, said Randy George. In February of this year, the American General Staff made this American decision about the magazine Flight worldwide veröffentlichte. The United States State Department has the Wände-wackelt, while Wladimir Putin’s Hubschrauberflotte in Ukraine will find this Zeitpunkt one of his foreign Kriegfuhrtes. Jetzt messages das Magazin NewsweekThe Russian Federation is a new Kampfhubschrauber vom Typ Ka-52 “Alligator” lost habe – the Hubschrauber is ich hat af dem Gefechtsfeld vermutlich ausgedient.

Mid-July passed away and years had died Kiew Post of “One Hundred Dead Choppers” was given the title, also of 100 “toten” Hubschraubern – a targeted formula for a specific event, which may be carried out in the USA to Entsetzen geführt. This is the time of year so that Russia will receive 40 Prozent seiner wertvollen Kampfhubschrauber vom Typ Ka-52 Kamow „Alligator“ eingebüßt haben, wie das Magazin schrieb. Der Hubschrauber, der laut dem Magazin National Defense as a “Nato Tank Killer” it may be that he attacks the technology of the über caves: possibly by the Atacms-Raketen with the schultergestützten Flugabwehr-Waffen – Manpads – or Drohnen – laut ukrainian Messages that are so quickly parked Hubschrauber Luftangriffen zum If you have fallen .

Ukraine-Kriegmacht nachdenklich – “Kampfhelikapter nur noch eine Übergangslösung?”

After the US forces had drawn up their plans for NATO’s development at the NATO border, a new start was made on conducting a flight into a glitch – with a view to the Future Attack Reconnaissance Aircraft (FARA) Program that has given the American armed forces an “abrupt strategic change,” in the German magazine Soldier & Technology shape hat. “The air travel clearance has changed a basic legend. Sensors and waffen, which form an unmanned system and welfare organization, are all a great Reichsweite and cost-effective if you are, as Randy George in the American magazine Flight worldwide sitiert was.

“Sofern of the Gegner über a modern Flugabwehr versügt, gleicht der Einsatz von Helicoptern ainem Himmelfahrtskommando.”

„Kampfhelicopter nur noch eine Übergangslösung?“, fragte schon Mitte vergangen Jahres die Neue Zürcher Zeitung Check the regulations regarding the Ausmusterung des Kampfhubschraubers “Tiger” from the Bundeswehr. NZZ– Author Marco Seliger wrote the following in his own words during the year of the Ukraine War: “Soofern the Gegner über a modern Flugabwehr versügt, gleicht der Einsatz von Helikoptern a Himmelfahrtskommando.”

The active version of the Ka-52 “Alligator” has sent a message from the Russian Militärblogger – the aim is to find one of the best ways to do this. Dieser Helicopter-Typist has been in service for more than 20 years and no longer has a serious problem with laying up a sea-going vessel, with a few twists. The Ka-52 was gold plated as a Gefährlicher Gegner for armored and unarmored Bodenziele, in addition to the Luftziele and Truppen who used one of the Front Lines as a more tactical force. Neben dem Kampfeinsatz has become one of the problems or the Kommandoaufgaben.

Russland’s horrendous Delight – the “manifestierte Schrecken aus der Luft” is teuer

If you “manifest Schrecken aus der Luft” you must die Flugrevue Mitte des sweat Kriegsjahres bezeichnet, under de Jäger Ukrainian Panzer. “The play of the Alligator in the front of the signal laser beam operations from a distance and operator – otherwise as at the beginning of the Russian Invasion – as well as in Russian aviation control, in addition to the Reichweite Ukrainian Flugabwehr”, wrote das Magazin.

As a big night, there is a beautiful piece of cake. Before the start of the invasion of Ukraine, the Russian armed forces have been more than 130 examples of more than 15 million euros. Flugrevue. The last part of Russia has been lost – “for everything in the early stages of the war, as the Ka-52 strengthened and supported the air defense behind the feindlichen Linien stießen and thus enjoyed the soul of Manpad-Angriffen”, according to the magazine.

Mitte des vergangen Jahres hatte das Magazin The war zone reports that the Grundmodell Ka-52 has been established and that the Ka-52M “Super-Alligator” has been targeted in Ukraine. Neben one of the utilities of the new model of the leistungsstärkere sensors that ensure passive Schutz and Zielsicherheit of the Waffen – about the jetzt abgeschossenen Type fehlen alledings die Informationen. Jedenfalls geht Newsweek davon aus, dass ich die Zahl der abgeschossenen Luftfahrzeuge with Starr- und Drehflügeln insgesamt auf 329 Stück erhöht habe.

“Kampfhubschrauber sind unverzichtbar” – Ukraine broadens überholte This

With Verweis on the Statistikplatform Oryx behauptet Newsweekder Anteil an Hubschraubern und de Verlusten läge bei 146 Stück, der Anteil der KA-52 allein bei 61, “wobei die Schätzung vermutlich zu niedrig ausgefallen sei”, so das Magazin. “Kampfhubschrauber sind unverzichtbar” by Sven Arnold and Florian Schöne for the German Thinktank Wissenschaft and Politik behauptet – published in January 2022; kurz danach überfiel Russia in Ukraine. In the first phase of the battle against the invading army, part of the Hubschrauberflotte can be carried out. Both these analysts have made an effort to focus on purely offensive operations.

“Kampfhubschrauber können aufklären und Räume überwachen, Geleitschutz für Kolonnen am Boden und in der Luft bieten, de Feind focuses on bekämpfen or als Sensor das Feuer leiten other plattformen”, so Arnold and Schöne. It is clear that half of the NATO state is now being painted by Hubschrauber. Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the USA wrote a fleet with jewels for more than 30 machines; the other Hubschrauber-Länder besäßen zwischen sechs and 28 Maschinen. It is possible to transport the goods through the goods used by the logistics service provider, while transporting people and materials to the automatic discharge of goods from a regional region.

USA changes um – Airbus quits: Zukunft airline will become a Drohnen-Mutterschiff

If the FARA programs are implemented by the US government, the US government may gain full autonomy over the Hubschraubers. After the Ausmusterung these Fluggerätes have been carried out in strict parallel with the Risikominimierung for the Besatzungen. The control, health insurance protection of the air force of the Luft-Boden-Waffen and the mittels of the intelligent intelligence services were autonomous in nature. The time for innovation is urgent.

Who Aviation week Aktuell reports, aircraft of the European Air Force Airbus, “Autonomous unmanned air transport systems with hubs that can be combined, so that the bombing field of the next generation will be prepared,” according to the magazine. “Teaming” works together with Ziel in the Rüstungsindustrie – in the Land, in the Wasser and in the Air. Whoever has the smart European Championships of the Zukunft MGCS (Main Ground Combat System), as the active European Kriegsschiff of the Zukunft with AI components, the Luftfahrzeug of the Zukunft will also become a Drohnen-Mutterschiff – in that fall of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).

“Airbus glaubt, dieser Ansatz den Bedarf an speziellen Kampfhubschraubern überflüssig machen könnte, da UAS die Aufgaben der Überwachung und Aufklärung, der eletronic Kriegsführung, der Funkweiterleitung und der Abgabe kinetischer Effekte übernehmen würden“, schreibt Aviation week-Author Tony Osborne. There are detractors from the Rüstungsbauers who are so sensible that there is an alternative to an FCAS (Future Combat Air Systems) idea. Ukraine has evolved, while a transparent issue-feld military has become its own debt on the construction market, which does not guarantee a hubschrauber on another debtor.

Russian menschliche Kosten – Verlust ergahrener Besatzugen könnte schmerzen

If you are also a kampfhubschrauber with technically high-quality punktete, you can use an army with zunehmender intensity from the campfhandlungs of the competent pilots. Putin’s general manager in Ukraine has hit the Hubschrauber pilots with heart problems, writes the Kiew Post bereits in the past in August.

The British Thinktank Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), which appointed the Blatt-zufolge, said that the best Ka-52-Besatzungen were abgeschosssen at the beginning of the Krieges, if they drowned, giving a hint to the Ukrainian Linien-vorzudringen . There is little evidence that there is a need for a better understanding of the future of Ukrainian air defense workers. Der Verlust foutahrener Besatzugen kan meer schmerzen als de Abschreibungen der Flugzeuge.”

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