
Tips for a fun Halloween

A bunch of some tips, damn Halloween is definitely possible. The US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is passing on all these tips, we will continue to get more information on the issue.


Halloween, a holiday in Germany is always believed, for all children, who spend their time in the house and with “Süßes oder Saures” (English trick or treat ‘Streich oder Leckerbissen’) who live in the house, are happy, We can now enjoy playing games.


Halloween is the night of October 31 to November 1. Der Brauch, Kürbisse zum Halloweenfest, originates from Ireland. Use a sage in the bushweed Jack Oldfield. If you go through a list, it’s kind of a world now free, if Jack doesn’t manage to come anymore. After Jack’s Tod, there was a fish dug up in the mountains, but of course Jack didn’t dare to go to the Hölle, that’s the Teufel he has. If the Teufel gave a reckless and shiny Kohle, damn Jack for wandering around in his Dunkel. The origin of the American power war is a peculiar debt, but the American power grab in large groups of the state in which the state affairs of a power-hungry are located is high. This Kürbis war starts like Jack O’Lantern. Um böse Geister abzuschrecken, schnitt man Fratzen in Kürbisse, die vor dem Haus den Hof beleuchteten. (Quelle: wikipedia

Costumes are meant for Halloween. Children playing with Feen, Fledermäuse, Geister, Hexen, Kürbisse, Skelette, Zombies, Tote, Vampire and Ähnliches. Typical Halloween colors are black, orange, gray, white, yellow and red.

Süßes and Saures
When children are looking for the right quality, there is no question of a product that can hinder the manipulation of the product. If the mindesthalt barkeitsdatum is sollte schautte, people are advised of the lying of people who often lie neither those products of their year in the Schubladen. Auch with Schnapps filled Süßwaren always land in children’s hands. This is where Vorsicht was boated

For costuming sollten easily inflammable materials can be used. Achten sie beim Kauf von Stoffen or Fertigkostümen darauf!

If you take a look at the Dämmerung and Dunkelheit, costs are incurred with reflective stripes. Beutel or bag sollten from hell Material besthen or ebenfalls with Reflectors were exposed. Reflective tires or other suspensions may be worthwhile. Damit that children were not born now, without having them, sollten Taschenlampen mit gegeben were


Anstelle von Kerzen owns himself especially LED Lighting Tool for the Grusel-Köpfe

Cost sollten nicht zu long sein, om Stolpern und Stürzen zu verhindern

Kinder sollten gut sitzendes, festes Schuhwerk Slowen. Mama’s High Heels are no longer available

Hüte und Schals sollten gutzen, om een ​​verrutschen über die Augen der Kinder zu verhindern

Face painting is better than a locker-sitting mask, the moglicherweise the Atmung beschränkt or standdig über the Augen rutscht.

Schwerter, Messer und ähnliches Zubehör sollte aus Weichem and flexible Material signal

Small children can solve a problem or a problem, the answer is explained

Sichere Häuser
Children are now living together, so that the occupants cannot live without it and care is taken to bring it about

If children no longer live in the house or home, there can be no problem.

Especially Vosicht is boated if you are on Haustreppen or Neben der Haustür Brennerde Kerzen or Laternen Stehen. Here it is best to let the children enjoy the long costs and let the fire burn and consume it.

Featuring material from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

Image: Pixabay – Lizenz: Public Domain CC0

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