
Stephan Weils Wut-Attacke against Christian Lindner: “Ein Umgang, der unter aller Kanone ist!” | Politics

Attacke, Giftpfeile, Mocking steps! Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephan Weil (65, SPD) is challenging Kanzler Olaf Scholz (66, SPD) in Gipfel-Gefecht against Finance Minister Christian Lindner (45, FDP) with his Geschütz zu Hilfe. Wow? In der Talkshow by Markus Lanz (55).

First of all, there is a voice for Scholz: “The Bundeskanzler is a Kreis von Leuten einlädt, with their own passion, it was their own passion, I think it is very normal,” says Weil den Gipfel in Kanzleramt. “Das mache ich auch!”

Stephan Weil shoots against Christian Lindner

Danach haute Weil eine strong Kampf-Kritik am Finanzminister raus: „Dass Christian Lindner a targeted result ‘Gegengipfel‘ so publish it as Konkurrenz aufbaut, ist schon ein Ziemlich dicker Hund! It is certain that you will be able to hear excerpts from the directing interns.”

“What power is that?” Lanz rattled. “I’m sorry, but I’ll tell you who is being patronizing about it,” the Prime Minister is slightly upset. “Aber so cann man in een solchen Situation von deutscher Wirtschaft nicht vorgehen.”

Will the FDP provozier ihren Rauswurf?

Lanz sent a message with the tag: „Kristina Dunz (RND-Journalistin, d.Ed.) has aroused the interest This, if a problem has arisen, it may be that this war will not die FDPwho have the authority of Acker.”

“Now I can be so good in the Psyche of Herrn Lindner, who can help Frau Dunz,” Weil sneered. “Man muss yes mit dem auskommen, was man so hat. Aber es ist jedenfalls ein Umgang, der unter aller kanone ist!“

Weil critique: Es gibt zuviele Gipfel

“Those dupes are on the open stage,” they wonder. “One of the Federal Ministers is not there. Auch beim nächsten Gipfel am 15. November nicht.“ Stephen Weil dazu: “Halbgipfel here, Halbgipfel da. Überall wird gegipfelt!”

Journalist Löhr looks at Kanzler Fehler

FAZ journalist Julia Löhr (48) says about Fehler at Scholz: “The fact that the Chancellor is in a regulatory framework and information, that a new industrial policy agenda has been developed, that the greatest progress has been made, despite both of these ministers.” With a single bond, it is a beautiful bisschen…”

But Weil blocks with an unjustified punch Olaf-Scholz-Urteile ab: “Before there was always that Critique: Der sagt yes gar nicht, there was some power. Yes, there is power, and it is not right!’

The alarming Ampel-Analysis of Journalist Löhr zum Schluss: „Wahrscheinlich würde a therapist sagen: This Ehe is completely zerrüttet. If you want the trennungsjahr to be more, um zu erase, that is no longer functional.”

Weil will be Einigung at VW

Look at Theme VW sprach Weil: There will be Klarheit bis Weihnachten. De Gespräche Zwischen Unternehmen und Gewerkschaft Seien Extremely Schwierig. It won’t be long before the Prime Minister of the Netherlands arrives.

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