
Security: Zürcher Polizei strengthens Präsenz with gelben Westen and E-Bikes

The Zürcher Stadtpolizei will see the Bevolkerung besser, die only with gelben Markierungen in the West and more Bike-Police trips. I am an image of Sicherheitsvorsteherin Karin Rykart (Grüne). (Archive image)
The Zürcher Stadtpolizei will see the Bevolkerung besser, die only with gelben Markierungen in the West and more Bike-Police trips. I am an image of Sicherheitsvorsteherin Karin Rykart (Grüne). (Archive image)


The Zürcher Stadtpolizei factory, where the Einsatz of gelb marks the West and keeps more patrols on E-Bikes informed. This massive mass is caused by the Security Gefühl of the Bevölkerung.

The Zürcher Stadtpolizei factory, where the prices are in the open air, is shown. In 2025, the Polizisten und Polizisten schrittweise met Westen ausgestattet, de teilweise in auffälligem Neongelb contentn sind. This mass is certainly important, it is the police who deal with the schlechten of treatises, such as Nebel or Dunkelheit, which are recognisable. “Our command is one of the few things we see,” Kommandant Beat Oppliger said at a press conference.

In the new West, the city police deploy on the Einsatz of E-Bikes. All Polizists and Polizists were enabled to get their money in second place, a more flexible and representative person in the cityscape. If the aspiring and would-be users are busy for a while, soda in a few years more bicycle patrols on the streets of Zurich, they will become later.

Ergebnisse der Sicherheitsumfrage

The young Security Council of the City Police of Zurich said that the population of the Police did not give any notes. With a rating of 8.25 from 10 months, the display of the vertrauen can be so high, but it is worth waiting for four years for 8.21 points. Trotz des hohen Sicherheitsempfindens fühlen sich Frauen and younger Menschen night weniger sicher, girls jedoch keine bestimmten Orte.

A Drittel of Fragmented ideas, that the police have not treated all people, including migrants and asylum seekers. Young people assume that the police will no longer take them seriously or that they will be treated as arrogant people.

Herausforderungen und Personalbedarf

Trotz der Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung stehen de Polizeikräfte unter heblichem Press, especially by the Grossveranstaltungen and Demonstrationen, the many Resources storage. “Für Polizistinnen und Polizisten ist die eine grosse Belastung,” said Oppliger. The background of the long personal situation could be that the time of the Wachen exploration was like the Abbaut of the services. Fewer pressing reasons to prevent a problem from occurring are the problems.

One of these recovery orders is that the Security Councilor Karin Rykart (Grüne) at a Gemeinderat an Antrag on 30 sister cases, of 17 for the Security Police previous sin. In the gangenheit that parliament has formed, there is a share of good couples. Rykart is prepared to prepare the entire meeting for the Budget Debate in December.

fn, sda

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