
Samhain, All Saints’ Day and Co.: Those who celebrate their religious festivities in Halloween

Samhain Altar. Magische Gegenstandde mit Ziegenschädel, trockene Kräuter.

(Image: nkjunky /

Halloween unites Celtic and Christian traditions. The Celts celebrated Samhain, the Christentum constitutes All Saints’ Day. Was bleibt vom ursprünglichen Brauchtum?

The festive Halloween Fest is on October 31st. October has a long and varied history. Seine Ursprünge gehen auf de pagan Celts zurück, deren Bräuche später vom Christentum übernommen and umgedeutet wurden. There are still elements that have transformed religious traditions into the modern Halloween brauchtum.


Samhain – The Celtic New Year’s Festival

The name “Halloween” comes from the English “All Hallows’ Eve”, dem Vorabend von Aller Heiligen. During the New Year’s Day celebrations, we were very excited: for 2,000 years of celebrations, the Celts on the British Inseln on October 31, “Samhain”, the end of summer and the beginning of a new year.

Who is the archäologist Daniel Curley, looks at the Celts, while on that night he swings the Grenze over the world of life and the tots. Geister and Dämonen work in the Welt der Menschen end rings. If you want to use your schützen, you can use the large amount of water and the temptation as Geister.

Make sure the Samhain ritual is brought to the desired temperature. It may be that the Geister der “Anderswelt” gives mild stimuli. A central role is played by Ort Rathcroghan in Ireland Ireland. Go for the Höhle Oweynagat, as Tor zur Unterwelt galt.

Integration in Christentum

If the Christian Church of Europe no longer sees the Church, it is a pagan fire and so be it. So it’s clear Papst Gregor IV. on 9. Jahrhundert on November 1 to All Saints Day. In the Vorabend, the most pagan Samhain, “All Hallows’ Eve” – ​​​​Halloween.

The new names are proud of the Samhain traditions, which historian Jack Santino explains:

We see Samhain together with traditional traditions and roasts, which die the night of the wandering totenwar, so that the Verteilen of Essen and Trinken and the masking and costumerst Feiernden and the Anzünden of Feuern Wurden are celebrated on October 31.

A Christian tot cult becomes Christian again, the church is celebrated on November 10. A diesem Tag sollte all Verstorbenen were thought. So allow a dream party with Celtic and Christian elements.

From Europe to the US

Jahrhundert brought Irish Einwanderer Halloween to the US. If you are part of the spectacle, you know it: with valuables, “Süßes oder Saures” and geschnitzten Kürbissen.

Dennoch is een modern Halloween-noch Spuren seiner religious Wurzeln recogninnbar – vom Verkleidingen, een grote Geister abzuschrecken, bis zum Gedenk and the Toten.

So if Halloween is a festive celebration on the festival of the year, the religious and cultural atmosphere changes in that sense. Shows the human fascination for the mysterious world of life and life. About Celts, Christian or modern “Gruselfreunde” – if it is one of the men, once in a year, click on the Schleier of the Jenseits on the shipyard.

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