
Rock Legend: “Grateful Dead” Bassist Phil Lesh Verstorben

The bassist and singer of the legendary Rockgruppe Grateful Dead, Phil Lesh, is to. Let’s say they are “friedlich” und “umgeben von seiner Familie und Fuller Liebe” verstorben, hieß es in een Erklärung auf Leshs Profil im Onlinedienst Instagram. “Phil hat all in seinem Umfeld unermessliche Freude bereitet and hinterlässt ein Vermächtnis from Musik and Liebe.” Der Musiker wurde 84 Jahre alt.

For three years, Lesh and his band colleague Jerry Garcia were musical partners, performing together the psychedelic, skittish sounds of the Californian rock group. During the War of ’84 in the 1960s, there was a pioneer of the emerging E-Bass sounds, who created a melodic sound from the tradition as a tactgeber serving an instrument.

The classic classic representation of Songwriter’s production at Grateful Dead is no longer one of the best-known brands, those “Dark Star” and “St. Stephen“. Mitunter sang Lesh auch in den Songs.

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