
Ranger rettet Pappel for Biber-Attacke: So important since the Nager für die Nature!

Vorfall Biber nibbles and Pappel
Ort Koblenz, Rietheim

In Koblenz/Rietheim, who brought a Biber beinahe eine Pappel zum Umstürzen, Ranger Stefan Haus zu schnellem Handeln vogue. If you are prevented, the great Baum has fallen after the Sitzbank, Haus festigt een Stück Zaun um den Stamm. Trotz der Gefahr said that it is an unacceptable action by the Nagers, while Biber can no longer think, a great Bäume zu fallen, a Nahrung zu gelangen and Dämme zu bauen.

That Pappel, that fast one-metre pierce hat, gives the Bibern an uncontrolled Nahrungsquelle. These products form the basis for biodiversity, while the cases of the construction industry have no new light diffusion power, but also a swirling structure in the underlying water layers. So if nature is in the lightweight, if Landwirte manchmal über the Nagetiere sparrows complain, weil sie a Weizen and Corn nibble. A more interesting balance between nature and landwirtschaft, such as www.aargauerzeitung.chberichtet.

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