
Polizei fahndete mit Bildern nach wei Angreiferinnen – both identifiziert

After the Berlin police came second, the other women had engaged in racist policies and attacks, and both had been identified. This concerns the Berliner Polizei am Montagabend mit.

There are some wonderful things that can increase the focus with the image from a room in the room after they have both had a good conversation. “After 2 p.m., a 30-year notice will be given to a police officer and gab an, one of the involved women will be notified. If we follow the police’s policy, the women can identify themselves, because they are a 28-year-old trade,” the police say.

The fear in Lichtenberg is a fact that has lasted for a year. On November 27, 2023, both Tatverdächtigen died at 23 PM in a Bus der Lijn 256 in the Siegfriedstraße, racially aggrieved and physically ill. One of the angry women who get the scary women in the breast pump gets a head and a sanity.

The Ermittlungen des Staatschutzes were created. (tsp)

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