
Police Grand Ducal: With more than 200 Sachen over Autobahn gerast – Führerschein road

Roads of the 200-Stundenkilometer-Marketing that the police have put on the A7 and on the A13 have not drawn in more Führerscheine nor an Ort and Stelle. If part of the Montagvormittag is like this, then the A7 am Sonntagnachmittag between Mersch and Ettelbrück is controlled in both directions, with a speed limit of 255 and a speed limit of 222 kilometers per driving distance. Both Fahrzeugführer seien are stopped and are immediately lost in their Führerschein.

Another couple and zu etwas späterer Stunde, on the A13 in Fahrtrichtung Esch, sei ebenfalls control are and a Vehicle with 203 statt of erlaubten 110 Stundenkilometer be knifed. If Lenker left the Führerschein as quickly as possible, he would have had more time.

If the A7 is no longer controlled, no Führerscheins action will be carried out at first. If you do not have to pay additional fees in the higher 145 euros and the additional costs will be determined, the additional costs for the additional costs of 25 kilometers will be exceeded by the maximum increase in the speed of 130 kilometers for the country. One of these warnings can be issued on the A13.

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