
Nice Halloween – Basteln taufen: Halloween-Deko zum Selbermachen – Wirtschaft

Cologne (dpa/tmn) – Halloween is a good location, a Zuhause zu schmücken. But with plastic deco and disposable items, they are not set up.

If you are busy with Halloween, as an Upcycling woman you can also indulge yourself and gain other experiences. If you want to learn Marmeladengläsern, you can use some other mumiengläser. If you use a few glasses, tealighters and flüssigklebers, you can take a look at the glasses. Were deko-wackelaugen zu Hause herumliegen hat, kann auch die nutzen.

With the Teelichter that Karen Richterich from the Zeitschrift „Öko-Test“ used, no paraffin paraffin filters are added to the Einsatz bowls. Better alternatives are made from organic products, soy products, suntan oil or biomass, while the economy and oil are produced, while the back-up production is lost.

And so the Cologne DIY Academy is praised: Wickeln Sie die Mullbinde een saubere Glass, soft drinks sich die Streifen überklap and kleben Sie dat fest. If the Kleber is on the internet, you can drink the Wackelaugen soft drink in a good way. Ansonsten can be performed as Augen. Now that the tealight is in the glass, you can see it, the light is bright with the strong factor.

Gespenster aus Alltagsgegenstanden

Another basis from the DIY Academy: Geister from canning containers, credit paper and acrylic paint. The dose was mixed with a whiter acrylic paint and ended up with gruesome facial discoloration. It was the first time a man sat with a stick in the ground and the malt and then with a black color coming out.

Nun Krepp papierstreifen with Klebeband inside and the Doses kleben, alternatively you can use other T-shirts or Bettsheeten. The flatterers who stay in the garden or in the house.

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