
Merkel attacks Union roads Migration policy

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Chancellor Merkel warns: Für ein friedliches Europa müssen Asylumbewerber mit Würde and Offenheit were discussed.

Berlin – In an interview, the German Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) criticized the partner and the government, Asylbewerber and the German Border-Swiss, entschieden Zurückgewiesen.

Merkel greift Union roads Migration policy an

“I find that I am not happy,” says Angela Merkel Mirror with a click on the October form for the CDU, Flüchtlinge is born in the German Border Region without a passion for welding. The party that damals in a basic paper fest: “The Union advances (…) auch strengthened Zurückweisungen on the German Inner Borders. Such information will be available in another EU or Schengen State. (….). Now we can be safe with our open regulations and inner security in Germany.”

Merkel is critical of the hint: “There is still an illusion here, everything is good, we know we will be happy with the German border.” Merkel, who will be in charge of 2005 to 2021, will be happy to welcome him back in 2015, Germany. Boundaries for the flight crisis available.

If the power is clear, then it is worth saying that it is the European Werte and the Menschenwürde preisgegeben. “Die Vorstellung, zum Beispiel Wasserwerfer an der deutschen Grenze aufzustellen, war for my furchtbar and where not a single one has been lost.”

Angela Merkel und Flüchtlinge machen Selfie
Photo from 2015: The devastating Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) at a decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Flight in Berlin. © image stock&people, via

Merkel: Gesellschaft mit „Bringdebt“, aber auch Verstandnis für Ängste

Merkel has gotten herself into debt because of the ‘Bring debt’ of the German Society, which is now taking the blame: ‘Ohne the Offenheit and the Changes of the emerging Society can produce a small integration. Voraussetzung is un Mindestmaß und Wissen über über Kulturen.”

It is a fact that humanity is engaged in wandering and Islamist terror, but politics will ensure that humanity will be increasingly emboldened, those other empfinds.

In her statement, Merkel warned that they would have the potential to lead to an illegal migration for European integration: If the EU is not a problem, the problem of illegal migration will continue to evolve, but it will be a problem for European Integration. Follow, that man is not abschätzen kann.”

Angela Merkel reports on her own experiences with happiness

An analysis of the development of my experiences in the past Memoirs reflect the 70 years of my life with experiences. When it comes to a friend, no one focuses on the statement: “I know a flight from the GDR. No one has found their way to a handshake with Helmut Kohl.”

Merkel notices Ferner, that the lives of Germany “but not that the best life” would have changed. Yet it is clear: Ihre Rückblicke says a lot of change, that is the Bewahrung von mensschlichen Werten and Offenheit gegenüber others Kulturen de Grundlage für eine gelungen Integration darstellen. (chmnnn)

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