
Massenschlägerei in Rostock: Messerattacke for Supermarket!

Vorfall Messerangriff
Uhrzeit 10:00 PM
Ort Rostock, Friedhofsweg, Doberaner Platz
Verletzte 2

Schockiert kept Rostock den Atem one, as if he had to abspielten dramatic scenes in front of a supermarket. On the night that Samstag is a brutal mass display, while the young men take the time to enjoy themselves. Anyone who reported the photo-zeitung went to 22 Uhrere panic Notrufe bei der Polizei ein. Augenzeugen painted, who held up a group of young migrants and walked down the Ort into a Blutbad.

If the einsatzkräfte is processed with a large amount of water on the tattor, there is an image of the gray. Rarely young men who are busy one day, a 19 year old, the best time in the bottom and it is no longer possible to do anything. Other issues that arise when trading your offer in a scary situation are that these issues can be resolved.

Entsetzen in Rostock

Brutal hand control in the supermarket and a big blutspritzer on the Werbetafelzeugten of the cheeky Tat. Beim Eintreffen der Polizei flüchteten die Angreifer in Richtung Doberaner Platz. The previous hint is no longer that they both consume young men, who spend a few hours in the air, but then a trace of verwüstung: Blutflecken suck his meter-long über the Straße.

The meanings of blutigen Auseinandersetzung, which sich laut first information is an Arab group that acts more aggressively, such as weiterhin auf der Flucht. The Kriminalpolizei walking the Ermittlungen lead to a revival and such an attack on the Tätern.

Polizei erbittet Mithilfe

Could you be concerned about this drama being a drama? The Polizei Rostock has requested the information, which can help all the time, the Täter zu fassen. If your Tatzeit is in a war or war, you may need to report it urgently. Jede nor so small Beobachtung can be separated.

When the Spurensicherung de Tatort akribisch dissects, the Polizei and the Bevölkerung appeal, um the Ermittlungen zum mutmaßlichen Verbrechen voranzutreiben. The successful trade, the scandal of the young offers and the like after the responsible civilizations throughout Rostock arouse great interest beyond the city’s borders.

Ort des Geschehens

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