
Luxembourg: Behavior and Diet for the Einschreiten der Polizei

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LuxembourgGewalt and Diebstähle for the Einschreiten der Polizei

LUXEMBOURG – The police must be more careful in the last moments. Never again the same Diebstähle, among the Schlägereinen and Einbrüche machen den Beamten zu kosten.

The police must einschreiten these Wochenende mehrmals. (Photo illustration)

The police must einschreiten these Wochenende mehrmals. (Photo illustration)

Editpress/Fabrizio Pizzolante

Am Samstagabend in the Oberstadt with a bed with a sticwaffe. After a visit from the Police Grand Ducale before Sunday morning, see the two men who were in the Upper City below, or three more men would be contacted. One of the things done with a Messer can be cleared up so the bag can be reused. As we move forward, it may become more likely to get bigger.

Die three Angreifer seien anschließend mit der Tasche in Richtung Place du Théâtre geflüchtet. The politicians have taken over the distribution of the information, but the sale can no longer happen. Laut Polizei seeen Ermittlungen eingeleitet be.

Am selben Tag wurden zwei Personen gegen Nachmittag in Bettemburg bestohlen. The man and the woman are in possession of one of the most important tests, while men take their mobile phones out of their hands. Laut Angaben der Polizei seien die Opfer nicht verletzt be. A lot of things that are on the Tätern are negative, it’s true. This heir started the Polizei with the Ermittlungen.

Schlägereien and Einbrüche

The Night of Samstag on Sonntag is about a party in Erpeldingen with an Einsatz of more Polizeistreifen. Since the police report, more people will be reported. The beams have the people involved in their Ankunft to help other people, he is es. It is necessary to ensure that the results are ready to be completed.

These were the Police Grand Ducale and those who lived with more Einbrüche reports. In Düdelingen Diebe konten in a house in the Rue de Hellange endrings and more Räume durchwühlen. In a house in the Rue de l’école in Dalheim, an end-of-life service can occur. A resident has neither the Einbrecher nor Betreten in the Hauses crossing, but will experience that sofortige Fluchtergriff.

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