
Kreditversicherung for small and large companies in Late America on the formarsch » latinapress Nachrichten

Creditversicherung for small and large companies in Late America on dem Vormarsch

Ein Jahrzehnt später ist Solunion in Spain und 17 late-American Ländern vertreten (Photo: Solunion)

The expansion of the KMU (Small and Medium Subdivisions) on regional Ebene entails new reforms. Zum Beispiel is the market on the market with the sale of products, products on credit for sale, a new knowledge of business. There is a 30- or 60-tag stock for the product combination, but it is the best choice if the Risk, the deliveries are now a Worte bleibt. If you take out a loan, you can extend the credit and government service aids for the KMU activities. If you don’t know what it is, you can hedge the risks of the business. With others, who guarantee the KMU, the fact that the money is in debt compensates that it can be solved directly or the KMU has a problem.

In 2010, the Versicherer MAPFRE and Euler Hermes (jetzt Allianz Trade) were offered an Absichtserklärung, um in Spain and Late America Krediet- und Kautionsversicherungsdienstleistungen. This idea had been brought to light by an Allianz in 2012, and the solution had become a joint venture a few years later, and both were 50% available. For a year there is a solution in Spain and 17 late American countries. After the Unternehmens won 85 Millionen Unternehmen in the Datenbank in 2024, 7,000 Kunden weltweit and 1,900 Risikoentscheidungen pro Tag. However different, the pandemic brought with it a systematic digitalization of the service portfolios, aber the spring of the Abdeckung Mittlerer and larger Unternehmen.


“I have launched a product on the market in 2021 that is KMU-oriented. You trade with an instrument with a festive price, your website is sold, the secret market is removed and one of the many Rückforderungsservices is offered. We have a lot of services for domestic customers and multinational companies, which also includes domestic credit and export sales,” says María Inés Albornoz, business manager of Solunion in Chile. Albornoz requires from the PY-police, which is a KMU-richtet, sees the Innova-police, which is a small and large Unternehmen-richtet. This concerns other politicians who fall under other sectors of the Bauwesen, Energy, Pharmazie and Landwirtschaft. One of the young people is the Midside, a policy that abdecks Unternehmen mit Niederlassungen in verschiedenen Ländern der Welt.

If one of the countries of Chile in the world of the economy, in Peru, Argentina and Colombia, spends a global program at the regional level, to the extent that the beds for the foreign vereinheitlicht and risk analysis and risk survival in the herkunftsland are used . “A police unit is dealing with a sum of 100 and 300 million dollars per year. If you have the opportunity to offer a joint portfolio, you join multinationals, and with your product multinational, for the diversification of the joint portfolios that is a greater external konzipiert,” said Albornoz.


While others on the website make a mistake, the export credit provision is an uninteresting matter, know your partner abroad and a source of information about the non-guaranteed credits. Dies gilded under the Voraussetzung, dies die in der Police festgelegten Bedingungen erüllt since. All these private, political and state risks have disappeared. Please note that you are the importer of the credit losses, which have another political instability and arrears. „The current economic environment is said to have become an important part of the environment. The information about the problem of sales and risk management needs to be improved. A new credit management strategy offers the opportunity to save on repayment,” said Albornoz.

A new product that you can buy must have the solution of the solution at a low level, the business knowledge of the knowledge you must recognize. It is not that there is a sale or traditional lending, but one of the functional functions of Verträgen, Markten and Wirtschaftsektoren. “As a diversification of funds in general and as a diversification of credit in the private sector, investments will be made that are sensible, forebrained and productive to respond,” he explains. A constant price at the regional level, while Albornoz in his country, in the solution of the solution, is a risk analyst and an underwriter for the insurance of the insurance company. “The Nachfrage in jedem Land depends on the sectors ab, in den den jeweilige Nutzer tätig ist. I think the export of obst is so high in the season. It so happens that the market is known, and in the fall of Chile is an export country, in case the demand is so high, the man becomes a new leader.

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