
Konferenz zu Digitization and Whistleblowing – Whistleblowing as a political category



Photo: IMAGO/Zoonar

Tatiana Bazzichelli, researcher at the Disruption Network Lab. Disruption means Störung or Zerstörung. Was genau wollen Sie stören?

I used the concept in Rahmen mode to run the “Networked Disruption” version. The business disruption is baffled by private interests and in a political context. In business jargon, an unacceptable product on the market is an innovative way of doing things. In the Disruption Network Lab, a connection can be made to the active drive system, finding a solution for the datenbasierte Kriegsführung, where algorithmic drives are riminished using the appropriate right extremismus. If the heart comes from the world, it is true that the note-taking issues are adjusted, a logical system that consolidates and acts through the collectives in the changes. Here, disruption does not threaten Zerstörung, a creative and transformative Störung.

Laut ihrem Slogan wollen Sie »System of power and injustice aufdecken«. Was it a matter of collaboration and interaction with these practices, disruption and clarification?

Both Begriffe bezeichnen een Wandelgeschlossener Systeme von innen. In 2013, when Edward Snowden’s massive campaign began, discourses of disruption began with whistleblowing to connect. Whistleblowing is a mechanism that disrupts the inner systems, causing a mix-up. The company was able to give a hint to Disruption Network Lab based on that Ansatz. They bring together Whistleblowers, Artists, Hackers, Activists, Investigative Journalists and Investigatives – also people, and in my perspective, activities could be seen as disruption. During this analysis, the power system is analyzed and the flows are interrupted. So a disruption of a creative form of criticism, control and discrimination. Rosa Luxemburg found files: this was the revolutionary Tat. Man could say that this is a critical analysis that weiterentwickeln.


Maria Silvano

Tatyana Bazzichelli is the Gründerin and Leiterin of the Disruption Network Lab. In the year 2023, the Disruption Network Institute started a study into the available dating base technology in the Kriegsführung. Here you will find professional whistleblowers and digital culture. Ensure that the Kuratorin the transmedia Festival and the Mitglied in verschiedenen Preis- und Förderjurys, by the Hauptstadtkulturfonds and the anti-corruption prize of Transparency International.

If the Lab has a curative signature over the years, then this is my work. What about the Ansatz Wirkung?

Das Lab analyzes potential changes in art, politics, technology and society in general. It is a never-translated curatorial perspective, which develops and connects with various activities in conferences, workshops and workshops from Berlin to the international world. Our organization is a seltenes Beispiel for the Versuch, directly with Whistleblowers*innen colleagues and them in an interdisziplinären Program with Menschen sisterammenzubringen, which are more normal, is not possible. It is never a fact that power no longer exists and works. We will be organizing 30 conferences in the Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

If you are the best of the Disruption Network Lab, rezlichen Glückwunsch! Have you managed to start a project of this art?

It is about my own mistakes in the political hacker*innenszene and my main activity in the Italian zurück. If problems arise at the base, the idea of ​​frontal positions as a strategy for healthy walking will no longer work. In addition to the war for my G8 Gipfel in Genoa 2001, the Italian and international grass disease is ongoing as a trauma. The same suppression of the demonstrators by the police put meinem Glauben to the end, the direct confrontation meeting smothered power. There is still someone offering a system that is the broader standard for his own Zwecke to use instrumental instruments. When the design of the »Störung von innen« began, the research in the Disruption Network Lab was sold.

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Isn’t there a politicization of the disruption?

I am Gegentil. Unser Programm is politically developed. Organize in 2015 with Conferences on Technology, Unterdrückung, Art and Whistleblowing. Our project leads to Beispiel a fortlaufende critical analysis by Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), Überwachung und Diskriminierung. During online warfare, military Border Regimes or Drohnenangriffs have looked after their souls – they have spread out. That is why Grundlage has found the Konferenz “The Kill Cloud” in March 2022 and the books “Whistleblowing for Change” from the Disruption Network Institute, which connects a series of subsequent, relevant themes with critical digital practices. With the resulting project “Investigating the Kill Cloud: Information Warfare, Autonomous Weapons and AI” discussionen can use the real Auswirkungen researchers of information in the Kriegsführung times. The concept of the »Kill Cloud« (»Todeswolke«) originally came from the American Drohnenprogramma whistleblower*innen Cian Westmoreland and Lisa Ling in our book. If you consider that the modern network-critical Kriegsfuhrung hints at the image of the Drohne, who will use the system of the “Kill Cloud” in the Wirklichkeit, is a problem and an incomprehensible sin, which may be for the best. The “Kill Cloud” brought a new dimension to the Kriegsphänomene in the world of the country, which is active in Gaza.

An insightful Frage: Was war the Lieblingsveranstaltung of last zehn Jahre?

There may be favorites, but there are a few stories that undermine the influence of the teilnehmenden among the herzen lying. If you contact whistleblowers directly* there is a bad mistake, which could rob me. These people have gone through power, the whistleblowers of the Kriegs have often been gräueltaten or had become self-conscious. In my work as an entrepreneur it is not good, with the only experience I have, it is my last attempt. When contacting whistleblowers, consider national security. Man versteht, dass Unterdrückungssysteme sowohl Opfer as auch Täter*innen in de Falle locken. A manchmal ergibt is sich in Leben, that’s the meaning of both their lives together, dishes can be varied. Thank Chelsea Manning, Brandon Bryant, Lisa Ling, Reality Winner, John Kiriakou, Cian Westmoreland and Thomas Drake for their minds, the people in their minds and their sisters for a great family run.

The political climate is bad, the culture is being destroyed. Who sees the Zukunft in front of the Lab?

Ehrlich said it isn’t. For us it is a standard Kampf, a program that is being executed, or that is the result of the sale. The sources were used for many leisure projects in Berlin’s cultural culture, and it is a fact that the Unterstützung unserer Community angewiesen since. Since we have started, we have started spending our time. The dramatic erosion of cultural funding in Berlin is causing extreme polarization, discrimination and right-wing in our society. It is a project that includes a critical assessment in this context. A program is planned for 2025, the start of democracy and the ascent of right-wing extremism, the expansion of criticism and technological progress. There are even more boats, “Whistleblowers for Change” in Deutsche zu übersetzen. The idea is that the time point is not so clear, it was a paradox that occurred with the Disruption Lab of the Meilenstein project of the years erreicht.

Consider our thoughts on the positive side: Who were our anniversary celebrations?

On November 29 and 30 in Berlin, the broadcast in Rahmen de Konferenz »Investigating the Kill Cloud« began. If this happens, the Krisenlandschaft’s equity is not of great importance. Vielmehr woolen filament un Verstandnis für die Probleme des Einsatzes von KI in de Kriegsführung vermitteln, und bei sie den Random Tötungen, die in Gazastreifen stattfinden. An der Konferenz were Whistleblowers*innen with Thomas Drake, Lisa Ling and Jack Poulson who included Wissenschaftler*innen, Journalist*innen, Künstler*innen and Aktivist*innen. They are instructed by AI in the cross-linking of criticism and the social and ethical analysis of machines that learn in the execution of control, dating and overarching information.

Die Konferenz »Investigating the Kill Cloud: Information Warfare, Autonomous Weapons & AI« takes place on 29./30. November at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin-Kreuzberg statt. More information and tickets for this page can be found at:

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