
Index Police – how can you tackle a good case?

Indexgebundene Rentenversicherungen (Indexpolice) are increasingly criticized. After the Index Police was shortened, it is now a good secret for the Provider. Employers can use an ETF savings account or a financing fund for alternative financing. Unlimited proprietary products have a guarantee on the alternatives. Aber eben nicht für alle Vorsorgenden.

For other risk-averse persons, who may be engaged in the sale of products, it is no longer possible to pay, it is a derartige Empfehlung who is uninterested. This Soul Group is unique in its classic interest rate changes.

This may be interesting:

If you follow the Index Police, the savings account will be invested in the Security Assets of the Versicherers. These people can then wait for years, with their Guthaben and an Index they participate (Indexbeteiligung) or in their Guthaben with the clear Verzinsung des Versicherers verzinst werken soll (sichere Verzinsung). If the index participation is fully used, the Guthaben and the Wertentwicklung index are fully used for welding. A direct investment in Funds, which occurred during the Autumn Fund Policy, does not apply.

Index and Fund Police are not mutually exclusive

There is a Vergleich of the Indexmit Fund Police that makes a mistake, that is a product gap for an unimportant Zielgruppenhandel. The Index Police has been active in its highest version since 2007. The Index Police started in the highest phase of the last century. In 20 years you will be able to use an index-bundled interest rate in the product portfolio. While the Maklern believed and extracted these products from the previous products, that was the best way to work. Over the course of 2016, there have now been eight cases of vermittler, which were never affected by the Index Police. Heute betträgt dieser Anteil über 40 Prozent. Moreover, index police were rückläufig in recent years. Aktuell bieten noch 16 Versicherer derartige Produkte aktiv zum Kauf an.

“Actuell bieten noch 16 Versicherer derartige Produkte aktiv zum Kauf an.”

Michael Staffe, IVFP

Ausschlaggebend für das nachlassende Interest war mit Sicherheit the langanhaltende Niedrigzinsphase, the exceeding of the Lebensversicherer hat schrumpfen lassen. So if no classic interest payments have been made on the Abstellgleis in recent years, the index police is so large that the profitable results depend directly on the excess. This version of the following Beispiel: Betrug de monatliche Renditebeschränkung (Cap) on a European Aktienindex for 15 years nor run four Prozent, lies this aktuell zum Teil deutlich under the Zwei-Prozent-Marke. That power is German, the end of the index is a positive Rendite for erwirtschaften. A schlechter Monat im Indexjahr führt meist schon dazu, at the end of the year it is not overly bleibt.

Null beef in beef 67 Prozent der Fälle

The display says that in the short time a drop of a kind of “Nullrunde” has happened, so that the display of the Cap model can be adjusted. The other page has shown these index models at a higher level. In a pinch, Prozent wurden Renditen oberhalb von eight Prozent erreicht. The light is a lot longer, which is an important step in the index. Passed man diese (sehr) guten years, a schwierig von der Indexbeteiligung would make a profit on the costs.

If the risks of “Nullrunden” are reduced, a single versicherer inzwischen on a premature renderbeschränkung (Beteiligungsquote) and a single Monatlichen Caps. This variant has become more sensitive in Germany for a longer period. This is completely separated from the initial and final work of the index within a year. The display of the Indexjahres played no role. Der Anteil der Nullrunden bet voor die Indexpoliceen “nur” noch etwas über 40 Prozent. It is the first time that the display becomes brighter.

Although the prospects for the future are not great, it is possible that the most recent index policy is a problem. The duration of the return of the first generation Index Police on all Index Foundations is based on a rund 3.15 Prozent per Jahr. Whatever the case with the police, who dared such a fabrication, where it goes well with three prozent fabrications. This analysis requires one of the 16 years of analysis of the publication.

Since most index police first spoke German on the market, this is still not a valid reason for the sale. It is clear that in some cases the return on index investments will be higher if the correct calculation is made. The growth of large capital on the capital market and the ever-increasing index police in recent years can produce a number of profitable returns. Afterwards we will see the results of the Index Years 2022 and 2023 in the meantime for the Index Years 2024 and Ergebnisse an. Viele Inhaber von Indexpoliceen dürfen mit een Renditegutschrift rechnen. Stand heute were in the Spitze maßgebliche Display of more as fünf Prozent erreicht.

Better Conditions by the Zinsanstieg

After the transfer of production – as the individual factor for the display of these products – as a rule, which continues for a number of years, the meaning of the product must be carried out, then the crossing will now be carried out in the next phase. ass. If the versicherungsunternehmen have more money for the index beteiligung of the sale and can use the available conditions (Cap, Quote, usw.) offer, the renditechancen wiederum erhöht. Initial analyzes show that the results of the research are positive years later. Mittelfristig were index police officers of the gestiegen Marktzinsen profitable.

This usually takes longer than 30 years before you reach the height of a device’s lifespan. The anniversary of the year 2025 would cost 0.25 a year. For the index bundled products, a review sentence product is now called an unordered role. The seller is always more flexible because of the warranty period. Beim Rentenübergang führt ein höherer Garantiezins zu einem besserten Umrechnungsfaktor for the Garantierente and erhöht follow the guaranteerte Leibrente. Entscheidend bei these products ist you but fell more the overschussbeteiligung of your weweiligen Versicherungsunternehmens, sowohl in the Ansparals auch Entsparphase. If this happens, it is not automatically caused by a warranty statement.

„Ein schlechter Monat im Indexjahr fuhrt meist schon dazu, dass am End des Jahres nichts übrig bleibt“

Michael Staffe, IVFP

If you take over the knowledge of the Index Police in many years from the extradition writings, you say that the institutions of the institutions for the Vorsorge and the financing planung are connected, the Index Police is not necessarily indispensable for the Altersvorsorge. If the analysis time is still not so, says the index investment in the low period, the classic Rendite police is there and zum Teil auch zu überbieten. The index police is inherent to the interests of the population, who have a high level of security management, full-fledged savings in the security capacity of the workers. Dad also plays a separate role in the presentation of the products. While the honest Wahlmöglichkeit a bet on the Wertentwicklung an Index besth by the Chance, it was more a Rendite who generates in the Vergleich his classic Rentenversicherung. A regularity of the index on the index is that of the Voraussetzung. So an Index Police can provide a good cause.

Author Michael Staffe is active (DAV) in the Institute for Research and Financial Planning

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