
Horror attack in Heilbronn: Gambier takes care of the signal Ohr zurück!

Vorfall Körperverletzung
Ort Heilbronn
Verletzte 1
Festivals 1
Ursache Streit um 50 Euro

Heilbronn – A shocking Vorfall, der die Gemüter erhitzt: Ein Fleischer-Lehrling hat seinem Kontrahenten in eeninem Streit das Ohr abgebissen! Jobarteh Baboucarr, 31, would have suffered this brutal attack if he reached 50 Euro with 26-year-old Metzger-Azubi James A. in October 2023. The Nigerian wurde zu Boden brought, and the Lehrling ließ seinen blutrünstigen Instinkt freeien Lauf.

After the traumatic injury, Baboucarr was taken to the SLK Clinic in Heilbronn. The sanitary device can improve your health and help the patient. But the decision about a sofortige Reconstruction was difficult: “A part of the web was completely abgestorbene”, the explanation of the HNO-Spezialist Dr. Dr. Lukas Fiedler.

The dramatic recovery action

During active surgery, knotting of the device core would occur while head regeneration is being implanted. After the war in the Monats things are so good: Dr. Fiedler was able to provide evidence that the patient was unable to use.

“I can hear a wandfrei and my sun glasses without a rubber band,” exclaims Baboucarr over the sound of new music. The dramatic consequences are likely, if the time of the Abschiebung is dry.

Rechtliche Konsequenzen für den Täter

Der Täter, James A., who carried out a brutal attack by the Amtsgericht over the years, however, the Landgericht Heilbronn imposed the punishment that his attack committed and did good. The Klinik said it was wrong to treat Dr. Fiedler was accomplished in making a small miracle hat.

Ort des Geschehens

Analyze Quellen, the best report: 9
Social media comments analyzed: 73
Analysis of the analysis: 73

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