
Halloween: Carinthia have more money from here


Halloween is becoming more and more credible in Carinthia. I am proud of the economics of people with money for costs, conveniences and decoration. But the Police warned against the followers of vandalism.

If you have a scarf-eingefärbten-leberkäse bis zum vampirkostüm: The large bis vom Umsatz round a Halloween-bekommen Lebensmittel- and Kostümhändler. Laut one of the trade associations has two of three consumer money for Halloween with us, for all types of sugar, decoration and packaging, and for alcohol. If you want you don’t eat the bag in the Vorjahr either.

WK: “More important impulse for trade”

It is worth helping Raimund Haberl, the representative of the Carinthian merchant in the Wirtschaftskammer: ‘It has been a year since the year started. It is of course in these turbulent times that this is not the case, another impetus for stationary trade.’ It is possible for a person to receive an amount of 40 euros per person in Carinthia. Gerade in herausfordernden Zeiten iten that the Bedürfnis to beselligemde Beisammensein and community Feierlichkeiten for a single Priorität zu bleiben, that wohl zu the letzten Bereichen hehört, in denen the People are achieved since, Einschnitte vorzunehmen.

Polizei strengthened in the end

Halloween could lead to more local fun. Aus Spaß can become more serious, if vermeintliche Streiche als Sachsbeschädigung is undertaken, as the Werfen with Eiern and Beschmieren von Hauswänden, says Werner Pucher von der Landespolizei. You are in the heavy Halloween night while you are in the city in Einsatz. Die Strafen für Sachbeschädigung reichen von Geldbis Haftstrafen. At 14-years-old, legal damages can be filed. The Eltern police employees, with their childish justice, are the followers of vandalism with their proliferation.

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