
Grusel in der Oper: Spuk und Horror on der Opernbühne | News and criticism | BR CLASSIK

Grusel in der Oper

Spit and horror in the opera

29.10.2024 by Michael Atzinger

Scarce Kürbislaternen, costume erwachsene and Kinder, which are sold as Hexen, Gespenster and little Monster through the streets. It’s Halloween. You can use another Celtic Brauch to contact the Toten. The game with the gray things can still captivate people. Spit and Horror – it knows the Welt der Oper.

Interpretation of Carl Maria von Weber's Oper "Der Freischütz" at the Seebühne der Bregenzer Festspiele. | Bildquelle: photo alliance/dpa | Felix Kastle

Bildquelle: photo alliance/dpa | Felix Kastle

The Goldschmied War

In Paris a Serienmörder um. There are many options and possibilities for using the Schmuck, it is worth having a Goldschmied. Am Schluss sett sich heraus: Goldschmied und Mörder since eins. Paul Hindemith’s Oper”Cardillac” It is a Krimi that is a berry, from which no Schmuckstücken can run. A deshalb holt is zurück. Or else the Verkäufer exclaims, who in the literary Vorlage, der Novelle “Das Fräulein von Scudéry” by ETA Hoffmann: “Now, so there is a satan with hundreds of glühenden Kneifzangen and hänge three Zentner an den Halsschmuck, dammit there is a Braut erdrossle!”

Cardillac (Oper von Ferdinand Lion, Musik von Paul Hindemith; TV-Aufzeichnung 1985; Chor und Orchester der Bavarian Staatsoper, Inszenierung Bühnenbild: Jean-Pierre Ponnelle) Donald McIntyre in der Titelrolle | Bildquelle: photo alliance / | -
“Cardillac” 1985 in an interpretation by Jean-Pierre Ponnelle and the Bayerische Staatsoper | Bildquelle: photo alliance / | –

Die Musik aus dem Jahr 1926 is often disseminated and refuses itself jeder Dramatisierung; in the Mordszenen, the Augenblicken höchster Spannung, schweigt das Orchester. Bildgewaltig setzt Director Jean-Pierre Ponnelle 1985 at the Bayerischen Staatsoper Cardillacs großen Gegenspieler in Szene: das Volk. The black-clad Chor moves in complete darkness and calculates their public rotten actions. Gänsehaut bis zum Schlussapplaus. There are many decisions that have been made in the Goldschmuck after the Vorstellung in the mantel verstecken nach Hause …

Hollenritt with the Ehepaar Macbeth

Die drei Hexen in Giuseppe Verdi Op "Macbeth" 2011 at the Salzburg Festival in the Felsenreitschule | Bildquelle: photo alliance / BARBARA GINDL / APA
Die drei Hexen in Giuseppe Verdi Oper “Macbeth” 2011 at the Salzburg Festival | Bildquelle: photo alliance / BARBARA GINDL / APA

Giuseppe Verdis Macbeth hat neben dem titled heroes en signaler Frau einen driRITen Hauptdarsteller: Hexen. There is talk of Hexing, one of the things you can do for welding. Unheils-Schwestern sind si, satanische Priestesses, die Nachtseite der menschlichen Seele. And with Jedem Mord, the Macbeth with the blessing of Frau, is more entangled in the world of the woods. The Ermordetes are on the Festmahl, the Weissagungen überfordern in – and the Schluss is a whole Wald in Movement, a Schicksal zu besiegeln. Tiefschwarz is the music style, without any love, with a light-hearted fluster duet and a package of night walks around the music. A Höllenritt.

Der Teufel in mir

“Die riesenhafte Eule, die söllt his Flügel, konnte een nicht van de Stelle; de ​​lightendenden Augen des düsteren Nachtvogels are uit een hoed het klägliche Straßenlaternen; en der Feuerwagen war so bad gebaut, dats das Feuerwerk gänzlich ausblieb and ein leeres Rad mit all kinds of problems in the Albernster Weise über die Bühne rolled.”

Verena Hierholzer and Tuomas Pursio as Samiel and Kaspar in Carl Maria von Weber's Oper "Der Freischuetz" in einer Inszenierung von Christian von Goetz, Oper Leipzig, Première 4. Maerz 2017. | Bildquelle: photo alliance / 360-Berlin | 360-berlin
“Der Freischütz” 2017 in an Inszenierung by Christian von Goetz an der Oper Leipzig | Bildquelle: photo alliance / 360-Berlin | 360-berlin

Keine Frage: The special effects did not originate in 1821, with the Generalprobe von Carl Maria von Webers “Freischütz”That was orderly, it was smooth sailing. Everything would have collapsed in the premiere, and the public will be broke in the future. The silent operation of Idylle stops during the Oper Pausenlos in Atem; the Brüchigkeit der heilen Welt; the Lauschige Wald, the beautiful Fratzen said; of Jäger Max, who radiates great power and his own Finsternis in the Wolf’s Gorge. In the music, an invisible choir of teuflic pfeifing piccolo flutes and Gewitter, playing with wind machine and timpani, plays in a delightfully entrancing manner – and Agathe as a lost Lichtgestalt appears in the hour “Leise, leise …” as a heartfelt Preghiera ins Dunkel.

Horror in the night forest

Eine Frau, Nacht, Wald – must-have man with a travel story written like Arnold Schönberg’s Monodram “Erwartung” here: a Schocker, in my Frau-nachten during the dunklen Wald, on der Suche nach ihrem Geliebten. And then you find it – as Leiche. The libretto has found a woman. “Write my own operntext, Fräulein!” said Arnold Schoenberg in August 1909 at Marie Pappenheim. Old Ärztin, who loves Zeitvertreib Gedichte, promptly loves. Zitat: “I wrote in Gras lie with Bleistift on large Bogen Papier, how few copies, read the Geschriebene kaum durch.” Das Ergebnis: ein atemloser innerer Monolog, Satzfetzen, Schreie; Ungewissheit, Hoffnung, Panik, Verzweiflung. Und in der Musik: expressive Schweben in der freien Atonalität. Das Werk is located at 17, at 17 Tage braucht Schönberg zum Komponieren. If any of the problems occur, it will take a long time. The next day’s Waldspaziergang is different…

Adlige – and other Vampire

“They are the great Gattung der Fledermäuse. They are happy with their fruit, they fall into love and self-destructive people and. They escape into the Zimmer, read with the light of their souls, and they are happy with it. If you use the Blutsauger gene net, it will expand as damage occurs.” (from the “Allgemeinen Deutschen Real-Enzyklopädie für die gebildeten Stände von 1831”)

Der Vampyr - Oper von Heinrich Marschner, Musikalische Leitung: Antony Hermus, Inszenierung: Antu Romero Nunes, in der Komischen Oper Berlin, (r.): Heiko Trinsinger (Lord Ruthven). Premiere of the Inszenierung is on March 20, 2016. | Bildquelle: photo alliance / Eventpress Hoensch | Eventpress Hoensch
“Der Vampyr” by Heinrich Marschner 2016 at the Komischen Oper Berlin | Bildquelle: photo alliance / Eventpress Hoensch | Eventpress Hoensch

Der unheimliche Sauger in Heinrich Marschner’s Oper “Der Vampire” ist von other Schlag, teilt sich jedoch with the Fledermäusen das Lieblingsgetränk. There is Lord Ruthven and it is a real adliger from the Scottish Highlands, who with the Teufel in the Bund comes firmly and towards the heirs of the area. And this isn’t Halloween rum. If the Höllenfürsten braucht is the broke-dreier of young women, it may now take longer. If there is an “ausgetrunken” hat, it is a Malwina. In the confidence that assistant Edgar is in charge of life and the Lebenswandel and brings Light. The Vampyr fährt (wiie Mozart’s Don Giovanni) zur Hölle, Malwina ist gettet. A Happy Ending, the Halloween fans have tripled a bit.

Geistergeschichte trifft auf Psychokrimi

Benjamin Britten’s Oper”The turn of the screw” Start with a choice Bewerbungsgespräch: A young woman would go as a governess for two children on an English-speaking Landsitz. Dort is not normal. Make sure you can afford it and enjoy childhood. The Erzieherin would be pondered by Albträumen – and never but the Kampf on the Geister der Verleidingenheit. Bizarre Fantasy? Kind Mrs. Brauch? Nothing is certain, everything is possible. A surreal horror trip, while reality is no coincidence. Or etwa? Permanent nervous tension in the orchestra – and the title band Schraube dreht sich bis zur Katastrofe. Viellelicht. I am Geisterreich bleibt vees in der Schwebe …

I live without Gespenster,
Keine Hexen en Feen,
And lieb’s, in his life
Glühaugen zu sehn.

Ben Wald in the green
Uncanny See,
There was a night at night,
It is white who of the Schnee.

Jüngst, when I’m in Mondschein
Am Waldwasser stand,
See you next to Schleier,
Ohne everything Gewand.

There is a glider in the glider
In the taghellen Nacht;
Der Himmel war chests
Von der hollischen Splendor.

Aber ich hab entblößet
My lively Brust;
I think it has to do with Shame
Sinking fun!

(Gottfried Keller)

Send: “Leporello” am 30. October 2024 from 4:05 PM on BR-KLASSIK

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