
Grand Ducal Police: Dieb sich nach Tat dumm an und wird erwischt

At the end of the day 19 o’clock the police were present in Düdelingen and a Diebstahl report. In an autumn holiday from Täuschung and Diebstahl it is possible to arrange a meeting with a man, a useful app perfume for tauschen. If the company has spent the time, ergriff der Täter was a police press conference at the highest place in the right place, one of the possibilities to bring out the perfume as a bar money.

The Täter wähnte sich auf der Vlucht, but vergaß is entscheidendes Detail: The acceleration of the Verlassen of the Tatorts has lost his Wallet. During the separation of the individual parts, the beams can be identified by identification.

The police are aware of the home address of the Suspects. Kurz darauf sei der Täter tatsächlich by eingetroffen en «wurde noch vor Ort von den Beamten festgenommen» so the Polizei. A prototype can be made.

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