
Generalstaatsanwältin critical plants Platzverweis | Luxemburger Wort

The general secretary of state of Martine Solovieff has made the plants of the government skeptical and the platzverweis verschärften. “Normal time has become a common cause for understanding,” said Solovieff on Samstag in the RTL broadcast “Background am Gespréich” aus. That’s not completely done. It is a matter of “manches zu sagen”.

Das Gesetz sees more possible Schritte vor. This is a “Rappel à l’ordre”, also called an ermahnung, and a person who is blocking an einem-gebäude. Danach is possibly at the spraying of the Sauberkeit, the Sicherheit or the öffentliche Ruhe are repeated. This control applies to the jewelry of the Polish police, where Solovieff is handled. “Dee ka jo da maache, wéi e well.”

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If you are aware of the fact that this happened in the previous form, this can happen. If it is not clear, whoever is, a person who starts a Wohnsitz party for one of his statements about time and ease with informing, states the Solovieff party. Under the State Council, the Gesetzesvorschlag was critically assessed, erwartet itself. Der Text gehe zu weit.

Bettelverbot als “indirect Einmischung” der Politik

Minister of the Interior Léon Gloden (CSV) has chosen to respond to a parliamentary fragment, which begins its years in the Luxembourg city, eleven police messages and in Esch/Alzette a political message that can be read aggressive betting. Laut Solovieff wurden bis Juli dieses Jahres eleven Strafzettel geschrieben. Please see the Polizeiprotokoll for further information and the Staatsanwaltschaft. If any of the following are done, this can happen. In an autumn, a penalty is imposed on a person, “who swischen den Autos herumlief.”

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The lawyer criticized an “indirect effect” of politics. The intention is for the police to make a judicial decision. The Staatsanwaltschaft is no longer capable of being fragmented. In a letter to women, Solovieff criticized the political criticism of the direction that caused the damage.

I think it’s more personal. There is a dramatic problem in recruitment, with Solovieff left behind. The justification for one of the next ministeriums is that more and more candidates will be in the know.

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Martine Solovieff left the Amt der Generalstaatsanwältin on February 1, 2025. Danach with John Petry, the Stellvertreter of Solovieff, the Amt übernehmen.

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