
Events: Was it a Halloween in Luxembourg?

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EventsWas it a Halloween in Luxembourg?

LUXEMBOURG – There is a long road to another road. Since you have taken care of the weather conditions in the house, it is necessary to proceed further. We will leave this evening, wed the Spukparties rise.

Tim Knaf

Tim Knaf

Ecken von Luxemburg spits es in all. Von Differdingen went to the Schloss von Clerf and loved it.

Ecken von Luxemburg spits es in all. Von Differdingen went to the Schloss von Clerf and loved it.

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Nicht nur de Wälder and only the herbs in October, is gray treppenstufen for the Häusern under the sun. Kürbis- en Rübenfratzen schmücken die Vorgärten in the Halloween-Wochen. The Grusel-vorfreude lasts so long that it comes to an end. From a Hundeko costume party to its luxurious Luxembourgish style of mystery and foreboding, “Wëlle Mann” is dabei for you!

Halloween as a Family Event

If you have a Halloween party with the family and spend the night in the small Gruselkostümen presentation, then the Schloss Differdingen and the Unterkunft Mama Shelter are the right Orte.

On October 19, the American Women’s Club of Luxembourg organized a family event at Schloss Differdingen at 4 p.m., with rich fun, play and fun. There will be a Halloween party for children on October 26 from 3 to 5:30 p.m. If the best costs come from the Speicherschrank, then Mama Shelter is a valuable wettbewerb!


Treibe in Norden von Luxembourg die bösen Geister uit de Wäldern, een van de Tieren zu sicheren Winter.

Treibe in the Norden von Luxembourg die bösen Geister in den Wäldern, um den Tieren sicheren Winter.

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Gross and Klein are loaded here. Wenn Du Dich is a tradition of events taking place in the north of Luxembourg. The Nature Center “Robbesscheier” in Munshausen is based on a year-round tradition, the Traulichtwochen, from October 19 to November 3.

If you want to take more workshops or make other Halloween decorations with natural materials, you can use them. Brich und de Traulicht-Abenden met een Fackel en Laterne op, een vertlang van de Pfade und Wälder die best Geister van vertreiben en de Tieren zu gewähren a sicheren Winter.

It is spitting in Schloss Vianden and Clerf

Do you want to have a peculiar Halloween style, like other, more Burgen and Schlösser? Im Schloss Clerf drehst I am no longer Deine Runden on October 25 and 26 during the Night Market, impressed by music and theater in the mysterious Luxembourgish manner of the “Wëlle Mann”, who spits in the dunklen Wäldern.

If you get to know the teufel personally, there would be next nights! Während the Music Days start on October 31 with the Event «Ein Abend mit Dracula» in the Burg von Vianden. With my alternative music, a Bram Stoker Vorlesung, an Orchester and a Gruselkulisse with costumes, feinem Häppchen and Trunk, you were part of the Legend of the Vampire.

Dogoween in der Hauptstadt

Come with us. No, not that Geister! Especially sincerely loved ones. The Dogoween event took place at Café Villa in the Luxembourg city on October 26 at a raucous party with herrchen, women and dogs.

More spectacle Costume must be here now, Dich und Deinen Vierbeiner mitbringen. During Halloween treats and refreshment for the human gift it is Ort. And so that you will receive the best precious treats, you will receive a great prize!

Old school party in the Schräinerei

What is Generation Y? If you are a millennial, then you are the director of the Thriller Party on October 31 in the Schräinerei in Differdingen on the keinen autumn entgehen las. “Music from the Achtzigern and Neunzigern and disguises who is a Zombie, the gibt’s nur in der Schräinerei”, goes to the Restaurant on his Facebook page.

You know what the game is: the best precious prize. Ob es Zombieburger with a Trunk Hexenblut from the Kessel gibt, cannot be ratted. Fest starts at 3 o’clock in the night, it is possible to enjoy and enjoy.

Is Du an Halloween am Start?

Judge us in the comments, where Halloween will be the most fun and the best parties. If you have the best Gruselkostüm-traumas, schick uns Deine Schnappschüsse a separate Facebook page or a separate Community-Mail.

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