
David Fincher can add Squid Game to his collection of unmade projects

David Fincher, the director who was previously associated with projects such as A Chinatown precursor, World War Z2and a Strangers on the train remake, is reportedly in the works Squid game. Per Termwhich could not confirm the validity of this, so please, dear reader, take this post with a grain of salt, David Fincher might want to add Squid game to his Wikipedia page of unrealized projects. Term notes that “the details are vague,” but that “rumors are increasing” that Fincher would make an English-language spinoff of Squid game.

Sure, maybe Fincher smashes a bottle of champagne on the hull of the good ship Squid game as he did House of cards. However, it’s more likely that Netflix is ​​just throwing out a name in hopes of generating interest in the show. After all, if chasing thoughts all day long is too expensive and time-consuming, how can we expect a modest budget? Squid game spin-off ready on time? However, if Netflix is ​​interested in giving Fincher TV its time again, we would prefer a new season Mindhunter towards a new emergency solution between the seasons of reality Squid game series.

At least in the press, Fincher is a director who quickly falls in love with projects. You just have to look at the many cursed projects he’s attached to: The Devil In The White City, CleopatraAnd 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. He has unmade TV projects, such as a Chinatown prequel and three failed HBO series, Videosyncrazy, UtopiaAnd Shakedownthat disappeared or were closed late in the process (Videosyncrazy had recorded a few episodes). There are also projects like Steve Jobs And Bohemian Rhapsodyto which he was attached, but which were made by different filmmakers. Then there are the sequels. Fincher was given the opportunity to direct Star Wars: Episode VII and planned to make World War Z2– not to mention the sequels The girl with the dragon tattoo that never manifested itself.

Look, we love the Finch Man and don’t think any of this is weird. In Hollywood, deals and agreements go wrong all the time. Fincher is a director who needs a lot of control over his work, so it’s common for him or the studio to walk away. A David Fincher version of Squid game is a perfect example of an unmade Fincher project, since it would be especially expensive and time-consuming for him to make a futuristic, sci-fi action satire like this. But hey, Netflix doesn’t mind waiting for more Squid game.

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