
Concert message | Kruidstoffensive V – Weimar

Kruidstoffensive V – Weimar

15.10.2024 | 00:48

20.09.2024, Hour work

Beim Party.San-Ableger zerstört voor alle Headliner KANONENFIEBER van Weimarer Uhrenwerk.

Concert message | Kruidstoffensive V – WeimarSince Corona times are 666, there are limited alternatives in life, with the “Herbsubstances” being a part of the family lifestyle of the festival summers. The Bühne has been sucked into the Halle itself, with the übrigen Thuringian Rostbratwurst, Hellburger, Satan-Brathahn and the idiosyncratic party. San-Bier frohlocken. Headliner CANONENFIEBER uses the opportunity function for their own equipment, in the project with various original utensils on the gray background of the first well branches that matter. A “Brutz & Brakel” or “Seven Lords” stand feels like a party. San-Feeling goes perfectly abzurunden. Sei’s drum, Vorhang auf für Ausgabe Number 5!

Wirklich herbaltlich ist es am letzten warmen Wochenende des Jahres noch nicht. Draußen Strahlt die Sonne, während drinnen ab 16 Uhr de Tiroler ASPHAGOR the reign with Black Metal is a fact. Anschließend service BOÖTES VOID with songs with ‘Breathe’ in the first black metal of the festivals. Der Haken direkt im Anschluss: Richtung 18 Uhr ist the Party.San-Bier schon vergriffen and wird the restliche Wochenende auch nicht more nachgeliefert. If you have damage, there is a dunkle alternative. Davon was fired when he died in Neu-Leipziger DOODRIET Lässig in Bluejeans and warm shirts from the contrast program of the previous band. Musically gibt’s thrashing Death Punk, which singer Tony enjoys with his laute Soundkulisse ansingen muss. The thing is, it’s fun to take care of Stimmung.

There are much better concepts, a tag from Schwarzmetall in men and others from Death Metal. Now follow Todesblei’s technical specifications. A Siren is convinced that the Geballer is coming loose. Der Bass wummert ordentlich, als de Chemnitzer CYTOTOXIN on stage style – with neon light Atom symbol on the shirts and gas masks on the Birnen. “Strahlung und Ausstrahlung ohne Ende”who was Party.San-Mit organizer Erik sagen. The charismatic singer Grimo (now one of his masks) ties in the seriousness of the core theme while sympathizing with his sympathies and grins at the micro-states for the world. Because it is its own art, like Circle Pit, a Kreisverkehr-Schild-hoch has come to an end. If you want to start the previous journey, you can do the following hand movements to make the running a bit. A soulful vapor wave, das Ganze.

With Death Metal it gets a lot bigger in the Swedish variant emetic. With the active ‘All Heads Are Gonna Roll’ and a light light show that loses four Karlstader legends, there is a kind of wortlose Gruß gleich ‘Stray Bullet Kill’ behind the scenes. Dann first demonstrated frontman Erik Rundqvist with one thing “guten Abend, are you okay?” seine Deutschkenntnisse. Seine Nachfrage, ob man “ready for some more Swedish death metal” of course it is very natural. It was all striking that the action by the inzwischen schon and was a herrschaften that not erwarten, aber das gleicht das Quartett with special playing joy and sympathetic grins wieder aus. With songs like ‘Raped In Their Own Blood’, the debut album was released in the Old-School-Kiste style. The height of the performances lasts aber sicherlich ‘Raped, strangled, sodomized, dead’ if they are in the letzte Reihe inbrünstig mitgegrölt. Extremely solid!

Dann steht the impenetrable main attraction of the herbal substances and: the Bamberger GUN FIBER ihr nicht mal 24 Stunden zvor öffentlichtes Album “Die Urkatastrofestellen” first official live for. Here’s how to watch it: There was more than enough time for the premiere! Der einzige Nacht: Der Gig is no longer with the legend of ‘Die Feuertaufe’ eröffnet, stattdessen ballert ‘Menschenmühle’ from the Boxen. If the Truppe makes a Frontmann sound, the uniform in the uniforms and cannons verzierten by increasing the full volume, but it could not happen extra. All the noise that comes with it comes from ‘Der Füsilier I’ in the Winter Picket House and it is not a problem to follow. If ‘Der Maulwurf’ is in the world of a schaufel, the community of ‘Kampf und Sturm’ in the Seemanns-Outfit is wechselt, and Noise das Publikum zum anschließenden ‘Die Haverie’ is somewhat less.

CANONENFIEBER war life of Anfang and a single Hingucker, although it is tatsächlich beeindruckend, wie sich der Sturmtrupp inzwischen – appropriate – for an absolute Live Power twickelt hat. And that means that with Pyros you can use a versatile solution. It is a nice experience to make non-verbal public: Nur ein Wink von Noise, en een Pit bricht aus. A new hand movement and a form of Black Metal and Party. San-Veranstaltungen is an untypical Wall of Death. Natural sound does not end the performances, nor does the obligatory mask of the head and it is not a new play game from the Flammenwerfer. With ‘Ausblutungsschlacht’ it becomes a little lighter and brighter in the letzte Reihe abgefeierter Gig zu Ende. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit hat KANONENFIEBER hinges one of the steepest careers – if the Truppe is so powerless, can be at his next Party.San-Abstecher auch in Schlotheim one of the Headliner-Slots einfordern. Hammer!

Setlist: Menschenmühle, Sturmtrupp, Der Füsilier I, Grabenlieder, Der Maulwurf, Panzerhenker, Kampf und Sturm, Die Havarie, Lviv zu Lemberg, Waffenbrüder, Ausblutungsschlacht

Carsten Praeg

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