
Climbing Hund Daisy after eight years weeder zu Hause

“If you want to be soft and comfortable, you can hold a pat in the air”

Climbing Hund Daisy after eight years weeder zu Hause


The Beamten brought the black-white Cocker Spaniel to their legal rights.

Surrey Police

Overwhelming Wende nach jahrelanger Suche!

In November 2016, Daisy and three new Hunde aus ihren Gartenkennels were established in Mole Valley, England. Eines der Tiere is tragically stirred by a movement of air. The others both turned out well. If you quickly get to the Tag, you have given the police an unreliable answer for eight years: you can view Daisy’s microchip details to activate.

The new Besitzer knew nothing about Daisys Diebstahl

PC national police officer Laura Rowley acts softly and contacts the microchip unit. Innerhalb von Zwei Tagen organizes a big trip, a black and white Cocker Spaniel gets its rightful protection. “Daisy wurde into the intestines of Glauben of the new besitzer and it was nothing of Daisys Diebstahl,” says the Polizei with.

Lese-Tipp: Criminalists on four Pfoten! This Hunde is a Hero

A sad scene for the new owner, an emotional weeder after eight years for Daisy’s extinct family. “It’s a good thing that Auge trocken, if Daisy wurdervereint with her besitzern,” the Polizei reported. I am proud to recognize Daisy in her carefree life. “Sie klebte wie eine Klette an ihnen!”