
Brutale Steine-Attacke: 30 years after bar-streit was lost!

Vorfall Körperverletzung
Ort Oberamteistraße, Untere Vorstadt
Verletzte 2

In a shocking Vorfall in Tuttlingen, a 30-year-old Mann brutally suffered through more accidental attacks. Die Täter, which is made of a garden stone when Waffen is used, ensures that the head of the head is changed. The fear arose when the man was bored and worked in a bar and in the “Unteren Vorstadt”. If an attempt is made to use a sow, the consequences of the Angreifern with Steinen will be rejected, but the opportunity is not shifted and intervention must be made in the Krankenhaus.

The police tend to solve the cases and use the like urgently after dinner, the incident or use the utensils in the bar. “We have been bitten about the information that could be used to identify the officers of the police,” it was clear in the speech of the police. Sows were bitten, even if they were bitten under the telephone number 07461 941-0 to report, they would be affected by the brutal Übergriffs. More information about this Vorfall can be found here.

Ort des Geschehens

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