
Braunbär-Attacke in der Slovakia: Pilzsucher schwer verletzt

A Braunbar hat in Slovakia is a beer and a big treat. The 66-year-old man flew into Spital.

The 66 years since Hubschrauber was brought into the Krankenhaus, the Rettungsdienst was stopped. There have always been matters related to business and life, they are impressed and have more zest for life. Trotz seiner Verletzungen are nach dem Angriff themselves able to cancel the Rettungsdienst.

Anyone who enjoys the TV channel TA3 and the rightmost Fernsehen STVR messages, has the Mann in the Unterholz one of the Northwest Slovak Gemeinde Kanianka heard Waldgebiets Pils gesammelt and dabei wohl den Bären überrascht. That is the level of the Pilzkorb-abwehrte, which means that most Verletzungen are not impressed by an STVR-Reporterin.

Gefahr für Menschen

The police live from the population in the environment zur Vorsicht auf. The Braunbären-Einsatzteam of the State Security Protection goes on the road, one of the Vorfall topics.

The official Zählung-gibt in Slovakia cattle is 1,200 free Bären. If you are a normal person on the road, if you have legitimate brands. If you are solving a problem or if you mumble in your younger years, you may be worried.

In October came a solcher-zusammenssss for a pilzsammler-tödlich. It begins to solve “Problems” more than 40 times in Slovakia for years, it is difficult to leave the city and leave the city and clear the beds for man. Die Abschüsse is politically inscrutable.



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