
Attack on Lando Norris geschmacklos!

Finally running before the end of the Formel-1-Saison 2024 is in the title battle of Lando Norris and Max Verstappen, nor everything. Red Bull Motorsport manager Dr. Helmut Marko is the best man who gave the Fahrer Max Verstappen the Fahrer title after Milton Keynes – no longer on the Grund-fehlender mentaler of Stärke von Lando Norris.

I am an exclusive interview with sagte der Grazer im Vorfeld des Großen Preises der USA: “Lando Norris, das wier, die gewisse Startschwächen. Wie ich jetzt gelesen habe, auch sonst. There must be a Renntag gewisse Ritueel einhalten, since there anyway seine Leistung brings”, played Dr. Marko said that the WM sweat was worth the nerves in the racing week. At the point that McLaren CEO Zak Brown took on Strich.

“(These Comments) were very interesting, but not überraschend”, concrete of the US-American. “Lando is an art coach for mental health. It is a serious topic that is being discussed, which is in the forefront of the debate.”

Gerade nach diesen Bestrebungen stören ihn de Aussagen Markos gehörig: “I stop for these unsavory messages, in this situation heretofore. That will last us 10, 20 years.” With a brief explanation, Brown gave his statement: “Man weiß, die manche Leute Fahren gehen en welche Taktiken sie aus sportlicher Zicht used, aber das fand ich diemlich geschmacklos.”

Schließlich sees the McLaren-Boss with a Schlussstrich under the entire theme: “That’s all about Spaß and Games.” Brown himself is famous for his Fahrer en dessen Herangehensweise and the Rennen überzeugt: “(Lando Norris) is so focused on the downfall. There will be the Rennwochenenden with Oscar and all the Grand-Prix-Fahrer. There will be more to the next Aufgabe , setzt sich mit seinen Engineers zich Together, Power seine Kommerzielle Arbeit, seine Medienarbeit, spannt sich and so on.”

The full-fledged interview with Dr. Helmut Marko, at the WM-Kampf with Lando Norris, was one of the themes running a Red Bull team, can tell a different story about this:

Red Bull Absturz! Who wants to make that passionate? Dr. Helmut Marko (39:31 min.)

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