
After the Hunde-Attacke in Zürich: St. Galler liebt seine Kampfhunde

After the Hunde-Attacke in Zurich: Warum dieser St.Galler seine Kampfhunde liebt – en täglich gegen Vorurteile campft

Dominic Hoffmann hat both Kampfhunde. Why do you hate Freude on a certain level, could it be that a crazy Waffe? An urgent Frage, which the young Vorfall said in Canton Zurich. Dort hat a Rottweiler wasted two children.

Dominic Hoffmann with his Kampfhunden: «Mia and Lennox are the best Entscheidung my Lebens.»

Dominic Hoffmann with his Kampfhunden: «Mia and Lennox are the best Entscheidung my Lebens.»

Image: Benjamin Manser

Lennox is happy. There is a walz at the Wiese der Kreuzbleiche in St.Gallen. There is endless financing on the Lebensplatz, after a year in the Strasse and two years in an unorganized Tierheim.

They played for eight months with Dominic Hoffmann and Hündin Mia. Hold Lennox in Schwanz style, flip up the ohren and call the hooded man. A few quick deliveries are all possible. When you’re sitting on the couch, it’s often a matter of Hoffmanns Brust one and a schnucht in Ohr.

It is now a Haken. Lennox is a Staffordshire-Mischling and a damn Kampfhund. In Zurich, 2005 saw the arrival of three Pit Bulls. Worauf die Gesetze verschärft wurden. The Canton of Zurich has made a list of the breeds of the Staffordshire-führt-zond. When these Varieties are gilded in a Halteverbot or a Bewilligungspflicht. Solche Listenhunde is in questionable Kreissen faith, gilts as «Zuhälter-Hunde». Once you make your money, you can make power and money. There is a different way of working like a Pudel or Dackel.

Manche Fans of experienced Hunderas see the ways of the rules for listening to their dogs in the Canton of St. Gallen.

Manche Fans of experienced Hunderas see the ways of the rules for listening to their dogs in the Canton of St. Gallen.

Image: Benjamin Manser

If all goes well, you will come to enjoy your holidays, which you will spend a few days in your favorite Adlikon. A Rottweiler has a higher quality of life than another person who has more children.

St.Gallen is stronger in Hundehaltung than Nachbarkantone

Auch in St.Gallen ensures that a Vorfall für Aufregung is created. A Pitbull appeared in another Hund in the Lachenquartier at the end of June. All offers from the Hundebesitzer and the Passers-by, the Kampfhund vom fell smaller Hund zu tREN, separated. An Wohner grievance with Axt and a punch in the Pitbull is a way to the Tierarzt Verstarb.

Many Liebhaberinnen and Liebhaber have seen Hunderassen in the Canton of St.Gallen or in the Appenzell Canton, where a listener has experienced a single schränkt – in Gegensatz zu Kantonen wie Zürich and Thurgau.

Fachleute befürchten, dass St.Gallen aufgrund der fehlenden Einschränkungen z uinem Anziehungspunkt für Fans gefährlicher Hunderassen wird. Auch Hoffmann wakes up for two years in Zurich after St.Gallen, because there is a Pitbull who can stop.

Who is the Canton that is this einschätzung? This Möglichkeit bestehe, heisst is in the Health Department. A stricter regulation is no longer possible: “The direction aimed at the veterinarian is after the check, the rule can be determined by the Hundegesetz that has been completed.”

Landed quickly in Rollstuhl

Before they lost one of Dominic Hoffmann’s lives years ago. There is a car in the car, if the Fahrer is a pleasure and a blast. Hoffmann has put together several buttons and an extinguishing technique, which now switches on the Rollstuhl. Jetzt is 34 years old and lives with an IV-Rente. The gelernte konditor must know that he can do something in his Métier Fuss. If you are a car fanatic, it is important that Wagen stands up. Trotz seiner misslichen Lage sah is een Hoffnungsschimmer: “Jetzt habe ich Zeit für einen Hund.”

Dominic Hoffmann has an image of the dog Mia reading. A Lennox tattoo does not follow.

Dominic Hoffmann has an image of the dog Mia reading. A Lennox tattoo does not follow.

Image: Benjamin Manser

Schon während der IV-Abklärung führte is Hunde aus Tierheimen spazieren. Darunter auch Listening Dog. It says: “She is sporty, versatile and intelligent.” A Solchen Hund wants to live a little. “If it is so beautiful and true to see, it is doubly so, but it will be forgivable.” My favorite work is a Tierheim company or a Gnadenhof for abused Hunde.

On the website of the organization «Vergessene Pfoten» there is Mia, a small, black Pitbull-Mischlings lady. They wage a war on a beach in Andalusia and they are taken to a Tierheim. «Sie tat mir so led. I enjoy my holidays a lot.”

There was Mia, who was brought with a Hundetransport, at Zoll in Rheinfelden ab. The Dog’s lies are fallen, the lies are in the bank and in the bet. There is a lot to be done, but it is not the case that you are exhausted. “Mia is my Princess.” If Lennox has a playmate for Mia, that’s not the case.

A playmate for Mia: Lennox and the smaller dog bellow themselves.

A playmate for Mia: Lennox and the smaller dog bellow themselves.

Image: Benjamin Manser

However, the “Prinzessin” is sitting on the edge of the large Wiese near the Kreuzbleiche and is chatting a Krähe nach. Lennox bargains in Laub. “Meine Hunde sind wie Romeo en Juliet,” said Hoffmann. “They were not clear. Ausser, I would like to work. Then I would protect myself from Lennox.” Trotzdem remains a residual risk. It must be a fishing vessel that is a Listenhund hat. They were both a Herz and a Seele a few years ago. When the Mann starts one morning, it is a matter of cleaning up and putting his Hund in the Schädel biss. It’s done aus dem Nichts. Trotzdem wolllte is den Hund behalten.

Lennox is the most experienced and friendly man. If our Hunde uses an electric scooter or an electric scooter, calling in the Leine and the Geschirr is one of the most important features. Hoffmann muss ihn with all Kraft zurückzerren. “There must be no learning.”

Once you know the chef is from Rudels, it’s their thing. The Ganz safe is safe and secure, but is best used as ‘Warte’ or ‘Stopp’. Sie gehorchen ihm aufs Wort. Hoffmanns rough, friendly Ausstrahlung überträgt sich auf Lennox and Mia.

Mandatory Hundekurs can purchase Abhilfe

Not every Hundeführer is so responsible. When young women and men are a listening ear, it is a power. See wollen den Hund as a status symbol. At Tierheim Sitterhöfli in Engelburg, young men often appear and say explicitly: «I will be a camp dog.» Then the Tierpflegerinnen say: «Wir veranstalten keine Hundekämpfe, we haben keine Kampfhunde», damn the Tiere nicht in false Hand Geraten.

“Manche wollen met een solchen Hund cool en krass sein and other einschüchtern,” says Peter Baumann, animal protection trooper at the St. Galler Stadtpolizei. A “Problem Dog” can arise. There are many listeners who experience no problems. Grundsätzlich can be Hund gefährlich en bissig sein, “a Schäferhund or an Appenzeller Bläss”.

Peter Baumann, animal protection officer at the St. Galler Stadtpolizei.

Peter Baumann, animal protection officer at the St. Galler Stadtpolizei.

Image: Arthur Gamsa

It is a matter of knowledge, the politician said. There is a fact that the obligatory Hundekurs for Neuhalter, the national abgeschafft Wurde 2017, wieder eingeführt. The Swiss Cynological Society has brought the members of parliament into the fight against the Kurdish struggle, although the SVP-Fraktion is obliged to expand the course.

“The best antidepressant”

Dominic Hoffmann wechselt the Strassenseite when he called in Leute. We listened carefully, with careful viewing and positive feedback. “Man must be happy and happy,” says Hoffmann, der mit Tattoos are great – I am observant. “I wanted to be happy forever.” Before there was a depression for a few years. When grübeln is painted, Lennox and Mia are astonished and take them to Schmunzeln. “My dog ​​is on an antidepressant.”

We will try it once to use a larger part of the time and suppress it, if the Hunde spazieren führt. Manche tuscheln hinter seinem Rücken: «Muss das sein, dass einer so gefährliche Hunde hält?» Once Frau Lennox played a Tritt in the Schnauze. You can Hoffmann die Worte.

When Dominic Hoffmann spazies with his Hunden, it is often a poor look.

When Dominic Hoffmann spazies with his Hunden, it is often a poor look.

Image: Benjamin Manser

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