
After the attack against 16 year Schiedsrichter: BFV gibt Urteile bekannt

After the summary of the C-class games in the Fußballkreis Donau/Isar zwischen, the TSV Mailing III and the Türkisch SV Ingolstadt II is now a sports-oriented of the Bayerische Fußball-Verbandes (BFV) that are Urteile verkündet.

In the Partie vom 18. Oktober war, a never-before-existing Elfmeter of violent Discussions, Beschimpfungen and a short attack on the 16-year-old Schieedsrichter from the Raum Ingolstadt came, of three Platzverweise gegen Akteure des Türkisch SV aussprach (zweimal Gelb-Rot, einmal Rot) and the start in 77. Minutes ago.

Anyone who met BFV press secretary Fabian Frühwirth received three Urteiles. So with the Spieler, the Unparteiischen that Schulter rammted into the Oberkörper, for 18 Monate barred (until April 26, 2026), a Geldstrafe in the amount of 250 Euro would increase. When you play with the Spieler, you can use the Rote Karte to play eight games and pay a penalty of 175 euros. The game, the time of the short 2:2 era, will be displayed as 2:0 for the TSV mailing.

Read more here: Sport-oriented spricht long blocks aus


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