
A lost Cubs Jasper and Axel eventually became Police Heroes

Vom Hundeelend zur Polizei-Akademie

Verlassene Cubs Jasper and Axel became zu Polizei-Helden

The two other Cubs Jasper and Axel became conscripts together with the police.

The two other Cubs Jasper and Axel became conscripts together with the police.

Durham Roads and armed police

If you want to start a little – and wait for it!

Jasper (18 months) and Axel (14 months) start their careers at the Durham police (England). Start with everything else in the glücklich: Jasper lands as a woman who sometimes changes in a higher Gewächshaus in Manchester, Axel goes to work with nur for two weeks in a Karton in Darlington. But das Schicksal meint es gut mihnen.

Ausgesetzt, gerettet, ausgebildet

Tierschützer can bring both the Belgian Malinois and the next schnell to its very great potential. Both work in the Durham Constabulary’s Hunde-Förderungsprogramm and are an intensive investigation with Bravour.

Lese-Tipp: Wache verabschiedet todkranke Polizei-Hündin – Polizeikollegen erweisen ihr Respekt

Im Video: Wache verabschiedet todkranke Polizeihündin