
Angriff auf Sicherheitsmitarbeiter, Messerattacke seitert

There are more options to use a Sicherheitsmitarbeiter at a Christmas market in Berlin-Lichtenberg. Who the Polish police is, will start at the age of 35 at 9:15 pm when men are forced, after they have been clarified, the Hausordnung der Rodelbahn and the Landsberger einzuhalten.

Laut Zeugenaussagen soll one of the men of the Christmas Market-Mitarbeiter after verbal Streitigkeiten with the Faust in the Gesicht geschlagen haben. Dadurch is a flat zwunde on the head and in the Nasenrücken.

The Gewalt Trio continues with other fears against Mitarbeiter

Another way is a solid aluminum alloy that has been recruited in the direction of 35 years. There is talk of a common experience with a dropper who has a merit with a messer towards the waiters of the Sicherheitsmitarbeiters zu stechen. The trio flew for the final meeting of the police. There are different types of healthcare services that the Verletzten provide. One of the following actions was performed in one of the 35 years without a hereditary order.

On the Weihnachtsmarkt, on one of the Namen Lichtenberger Winterzeit, these years may be one of the first of the Pforten. Since November 1, we will be able to do this until December 28. This month, new changes will be made to the entire range of products. Gemeinhined der Markt als een Weihnachtsrummel, der mit seinen Achterbahnen is een Kirmesatmosphäre versprüht. We were proud of the Winter Market in Lichtenberg as family-friendly descriptions could be made of the large and small spas.

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