
Prozess ëm Mord mat Hummer: Fra hätt no der Dot keng Emotion gewisen, esou d’Poliziste viru Geriicht

Der Ugeklote gets a reprocheiert, Ugangs 2022 rent Mann with engem Hummer erschloen them, and he dono and the Keller schleeft ze hunn.

The image of a new cutlery is that you can find the experts and the best people in a fattener: an alcoholic drink 57 Joer ale Mann and 38 Joer on the Brazilian side, it is as good as a waste. Zanter 9 Joer war d’Koppel, déi en Haus am klengen Duerf Heeschpelt hat, bestuet.

The 7. Mäerz virun 2 Joer stoung d’Police op der Dier. The Mann, the battle against the Bees is just after 61 kilos, the war will last longer than most ginn. D’Fra huet deen Dag gesot, hee wie akafen. Wou d’Beamte mei spéit erëmkomm sinn, hu si en Tour duerch d’Haus gemaach. When the animal and the kitchen are eaten, it becomes a Dësch stoung. “If you’re worried, hire men“, erënnert sech de Kommissär, deen op der Plaz war. Si sot “Jo”. Dunn hätt ee si gefrot, ob en out wie. Och do hätt si op eng fir the Beamten distanzéiert an neutral Mannéier “Jo” gesot. Am Keller if you want to see the man, you can make a sticker on a Blutt mat full-saugten Decken a hat the Kapp closed.

D’Beamtin from the technical police looks at the statement, see how the day of the investigation is. D’Affer is a Bett gesiess, one whose vun hanne mat engem Hummer ugegraff ginn. During the first years of Bluttspueren, it may not be visible that you are ginn, weisen. “Et ass kee klengen Hummer. Each time, and ass 1 to 1.5 Kilo schwéier“, said d’Beamtin, who was in the Hummer with a German witness. Am all those who were on d’mannst 6 Mol on the Kapp vum Affer ageschloe ginn. Dono wien here on eng Decke ginn, a bis at the Keller ginn The party is going well, the man has a good idea moves.

Because it is a real stone that is ass and nach just ginn by the guidance treatise, the male is not ass stuverwen. See ass, dating from February 14, a message from the woman. Useful when hiring Mann geschéckt huet. This is how the Schreiffeeler knows. It’s a matter of working without the woman Handy having fucked the Kontestand. Be that as it may, the professionals can call on Haiser and Brasilia.

Och de Kommissär en Chef gouf als Zéie gehéiert. When the day of the renewal begins. D’Fra hätt ouni Ausschwäifungen erzielt, wat passéiert wie. It goes and goes, ground ginn, they run around, that’s just like weed. If you think it’s a matter of a point in your head, consider hiring Mann to threaten a Messer. If you are going to make a schlofzëmmer, you would want to enjoy your good graff. If so, that rent Mann si dacks verbal a kierperlech attackéiert hätt, a thats his permanent besoff gewiescht wiesch. Reegelméisseg goufen et dann en schönn Interventie vu Police a CGDIS bei der Famill. Then, well, you’ve been hiring Mann and the Keller for a few years. If you intervene on the frame of the dildos on the pumps. 11 Anträg ginn en an der Krankenakt vum Mann met Alkoholkonsum.

If you think it’s not right, if you don’t settle any of the points and the Keller kucke goes, a rental man tends to enjoy. If he’s a little excited then he’s so bad, well, he knows what he’s like and he might have a little more. If you are an Ambulance officer, you want to know the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Waard hires Aussoen hats, if you know Kraaft dofir hats, erkläert the Ermëttler. “Keng Kraaft eng Ambulanz they ruffen, with fir Vakanzen and Haiser they kucken“, sou d’ontwert vum Procureur.

Being that the experts are their own friends, who are living in Brazil, then even if they are exposed to the government of the Polizists, Tour or they are hired. D’Fra ass corpulent and war gutted. Si hätt sech and dacks Luxury article on hirem Conveniently picked up, huet and pasture raised. If you think it’s possible to go to war, right. The company vum has more peers, such as the Ermëttler of the police. If all goes well, they will sell their house.

The Prozess geet and Donneschdeg pasture.

And autumn begins with the glorification of innocence by the assholes.

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