
Schuldeneintreiber after brutal attack in Neubrandenburg festgenommen!

In Neubrandenburg, a 42-year-old man was more brutally charged in the Untersuchungshaft. If there is a violation of the law, the money from a 37-year-old debt can be violated by a guilty party to a demand and the chance of verletzungen can be avoided. After the attack the treacherous man started on the attack, we would get a curious part of the drama and get a huge amount of a crazy car rief.

It is important that the police raise the alarm on the night of the Täter festival, when the house is absent. Dort wurde is een einfluss von Drogen financed. The sister Haftrichter gewährte the Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft on Untersuchungschacht. Thanks to the various eingreifens of the 24-year-old Lebanese, not even another life could take place, but the identity of the Angreifers was quickly clarified. The combined history of the police is documented at

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