
Tëscht Prüm a Gerolstein: Police confirm two Doudeger at Massekarambolage on the B410

E Sonndeg geint 13.40 Auer koem et on the B410 near Weinsheim zu engem ganz uergen Accident, and em véier erer erer legegegt.

Wei and the police heescht, with a BMW, one and the Richtung Gerolstein war, while the newly cleared Grënn on the Geigespuer a hoett hei dräi Ween, déi entgeint koumen, ze pake critt.

The BMW driver will be happier, which will reduce the accident net. Oh scary 76 Joer al Fra, the one gem of the other Ween souz, how just I love it. Dräi weider Persounen, déi an autoe souzen, goufe meilicht verwonnt.

A Mataarbechter vun der regionaler Noriichtenagence Input Presse hat vun dräi Autoen and two Schwéierblesséierte geschwat.

The Parquet of Tréier goes through the clearance process. There were no Rettungsekippen from the Géigend and two Rettunghelikopter am Asaz, which and the Policehelicopter were a Policepatrulle in Prüm.

D’Streck has started in Fleringen in Weinsheim with the Rettungs- and Opraumaarbechte for the traffic that a donkey and Sonndeg den Owend starts going at 6.30 pm.

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