
2 alcoholic drinks Driver stopped: On Felgen am Zickzack duerch Péiteng and a parkte Ween knuppt

When the police are at a standstill, the police are looking for a son who misses Mol at the Asaz, and the motorists hate motorists.

Géint 00.50 Auer hat een Zeien d’Police informéiert, zu Péiteng an der Lonkecher Strooss hannert engem Auto they fueren, part just after night on the Felgennerwee wie. It is a fact and I am Zickzack fueren. In the Rue Michel Rodange the world knows no more or less, while the driver of two parked Gefierer has clubbed another ass.

Kuerz drop huet eng Police patrol for car locating is stopped. Because the police did not do a good job, the police received a rental bulletin. The driver has a strong alcoholic character, which is just a little better. Am always welcome for more fun. Fürerschäin’s Mann-krut is a protocol.

Driver zu Esch could no longer work

A wide range of alcoholic beverages is provided by the driver as soon as 4.30. The next day, the security staff of the lower tank stand on the Rue d’Audun zu Esch opgefall. If you experience problems, driving will be more difficult. If Mann’s men are a very aggressive ginn, this is a very aggressive ginn.

The police have been waiting for a while, while the driver undertakes just as much war, after they have started. During this war, permission was given for a protocol.

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